Project Review

Projects Available for Comment

Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3788 and Initial Study No.8390  proposing to allow a special event facility on a 21.22-acre dual zoned parcel (APNs: 360-061-28, 360-061-29, 360-110-31) located within the RC-40 (Resource Conservation, 40-acre minimum parcel size), O (Open conservation) and AL-20 Zone Districts. Comments due by August 2, 2024(PDF, 11MB)

Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application Nos. 3800 and 3801 and Initial Study No. 8579 proposing to allow the construction and operation of two battery energy storage system (BESS) facilities on an approximately 9.0-acres of a 24.7-acre leased area portion of a 91.33-acre parcel in the AE-20 Zone District. The projects will be comprised of the following elements: The proposed Midway BESS is an approximately 120-megawatt hour (MWh) battery storage system including battery storage enclosures, inverters on approximately 5.5 acers, with a 13.8 kilovolt (kV) switchyard and overhead transmission line connection to the existing Midway peaker plant to the northwest. The adjacent proposed Panoche BESS is an approximately 57-megawatt hour (MWh) battery storage system including battery storage enclosures, inverters, a switchyard on approximately 3.5 - acres, with an overhead transmission line connection to the existing CalPeak Panoche Peaker plant to the northwest. Comments Due by July 25, 2024(PDF, 40MB)  -  Additional Information Technical Study Documents(PDF, 33MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4773 proposing to allow a second residence on a 2.59-acre parcel located within the RR (Rural Residential) Zone District. Second residence not to exceed 2,000 square feet of living area. Owner of record to occupy one of the homes on-site. Comments Due by July 26, 2024(PDF, 14MB)

Unclassified Conditional Use Permit No. 3720 – First one-year time extension proposing to allow a first one-year time extension to exercise CUP 3720 which allowed the development and operation of an almond hulling/shelling facility within existing buildings previously used as part of a cotton gin operation, on a 21.41-acre parcel, with material storage to be located on a separate 43.83-acre, and a 94.40-acre parcel, (total 159.64-acres) in the AE-20 Zone District. Comments Dues by July 22, 2024(PDF, 12MB)

Amendment Application No. 3844 and Initial Study Application No. 8026 proposing to allow rezone of an existing 15.02-acre parcel currently zoned AL-20 (Limited Agricultural, 20-acre minimum parcel size) and C-4 (Central Trading). The project proposes to rezone the AL-20 portion of the project site to the R-1-B(c) (Single-Family Residential, 12,500 square-foot minimum parcel size, Conditional) Zone District with shared use of existing well subject to conditions restricting further subdivision unless/until community water is available, and the C-4 Zone District to remain. If this rezone is approved, the Applicant intends to subdivide the parcel into three (3) 2-acre parcels and a remainder. The remainder parcel would be comprised of land zoned C-4 and R-1-B(c) (120-260-14). Comments Due by July 15, 2024(PDF, 4MB)

Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3777 and Environmental Impact Report No. 8511 proposing to allow the development and operation of an approximately 300 Megawatt (MW) photovoltaic solar facility, and an approximately 300 (MW) battery energy storage facility with appurtenant equipment and structures, including an on-site project substation and project transmission line (gen-tie line) connection to the existing PG&E main transmission line; additionally, the project also intends to include sheep grazing as concurrent agricultural use on approximately 2,445.46-acres, comprised on eight (8) assessors parcels, in the AE-20 (Exclusive Agricultural, 20-acre minimum parcel size and 40-acre minimum parcel size) Zone Districts. The subject parcels are enrolled under contract in the Williamson Act Program. Comments Due July 11, 2024.(PDF, 46MB)

Conditional Use Permit No. 3723 First One-Year Time Extension proposing a first one-year time extension to exercise CUP 3723, which proposes to allow a high intensity park with related improvements for weddings, receptions, birthdays, anniversaries, and company parties on an approximately 10-acre portion of three parcels totaling 55.3-acre in the RR (c) (Rural Residential, two-acre minimum parcel size required, conditional) Zone District. Comments Due June 15, 2024(PDF, 8MB)

Amendment Application No. 3868, Initial Study Application No. 8586 proposing to amend AA No. 3815 approved November 2, 2021 to allow a truck parking facility as an allowed use on two contiguous parcels totaling 8.38 zoned M-1(c). Comments Due June 18, 2024(PDF, 2MB)

Directors Review and Approval No. 4771 & Initial Study No. 8584 proposing to allow the expansion of an existing 31,264 square-foot Private School constructing eight 960 square-foot buildings, and one 384 square-foot building (restroom) on a 36.9-acre parcel located within the AE-20 Zone District. Comments due by June 10, 2024(PDF, 67MB)

Amendment Application No. 3861 and Initial Study No. 8455 proposing to allow a conditional rezone of a 1.69-acre parcel in the AL-20 Zone District to the M-1 Zone District. Comments Due by June 4, 2024(PDF, 7MB)

The uses will include:

  • Vehicle and Freight Terminals
  • Warehouse and Wholesaling (up to 10,000 sqft. in gross floor area)
  • Lumber and Wood products
  • Recycling Facilities – Large Collection Facility
  • Recycling Facilities – Small Collection Facility
  • Motor Vehicle Sales
  • Building Material Stores

Directors Review and Approval No. 4765 proposing to allow a permanent second residence not to exceed 2,000 sq ft. on a 4.79-acre parcel located within the R-R (Rural-Residential, 5-acre minimum parcel size) Zone District. Comments due by May 27, 2024(PDF, 30MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4766 proposing to allow a permanent second dwelling unit not to exceed 2,000 square feet in size. The subject property is a 2.33-acre parcel located within the "AE" Exclusive Agricultural District. Comments due by May 27, 2024(PDF, 19MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4770 proposing to allow a mobile home to be placed on the 19.23-acre parcel as a secondary dwelling unit. The secondary dwelling unit not to be over 2,00 square feet. The subject property is located within the AE-20 (Exclusive Agricultural, 20-acre minimum parcel size) Zone District. Comments Due by May 22, 2024(PDF, 9MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4769 The Department of Public Works and Planning, Development Services and Capital Projects Division is reviewing the subject application proposing to allow a permanent second dwelling unit on a 6.92-acre parcel located within the R-R (Rural Residential) Zone District. Second residence not to exceed 2,000 square feet of living are. Comments Due by May 22, 2024(PDF, 28MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4768 proposing to allow a second residence on a 1.98-acre parcel located within the AE-20 (Exclusive Agricultural, 20-acre minimum parcel size) Zone District. Second residence not to exceed 2,000 square feet of living are. Owner of record to occupy one of the homes on-site. Comments Due by May 22, 2024(PDF, 15MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4759, Variance No. 4168 and Initial Study No. 8546  proposing to allow the phased development and operation of a public charter school to accommodate approximately 1,290 students in grades TK-8 and 9-12. Additionally, the project proposes to allow a 52-foot peak height for the larger of the three buildings (approximately 50,376 square-feet), where a maximum of 35 feet are allowed, on approximately 8.2 leased-acres of an approximately 24-acre parcel, in the AE-20 Zone District. Comments due by May 15, 2024(PDF, 132MB)

Unclassified Conditional Use Permit, Numbers 3789, 3790, 3791, 3792 amending Unclassified Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 3555 and Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) No. 7230 originally adopted for the project proposing to allow the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) No. 7230 for Unclassified Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 3555 to allow the construction and operation of a 400-megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic (PV) generation facility and up to 400 MW energy storage known as the Scarlet Solar Project was certified by County of Fresno on March 15, 2022. The application proposes an addendum to EIR 7230 to incorporate an updated hydrology technical memorandum, and to incorporate an updated air quality technical memorandum, and remove the mitigation measure excluding the use of onsite groundwater. The application also proposes to increase the physical footprint of the approved battery storage system; optimize the project’s approved layout; and to allow for sharing of electrical transmission and control facilities with an adjacent project; and to transfer a portion of the project's approved footprint to an adjacent proposed project; The four proposed Unclassified Conditional Use permits 3789, 3790, 3791, and 3792 are proposed to divide the existing Unclassified Conditional Use Permit into four separate entitlements that will allow for phased decommissioning of the Project. The four Phases and corresponding CUPs are: Phase I-II consists of solar photovoltaic modules and battery energy storage systems. Phase III consists of energy storage facilities and Phase IV consists of the electrical transmission and control equipment facilities that are to be shared between Phase I-III and adjacent Sonrisa solar photovoltaic (PV) generation facility. Note: The proposed addendum to the EIR 7230 is consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15164 because no subsequent EIR is expected to be required by Public Resources Code Section 21166 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15162. Briefly, CEQA requires a lead agency to prepare an addendum to a previously certified EIR if some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred (CEQA Guidelines Section 15164). Comments due by May 15, 2024(PDF, 16MB)

Conditional Use Permit No. 3794 and Initial Study No 8574 proposing to allow a new freestanding 95-foot-tall monopole style co-locatable wireless telecommunications facility on a 40.08-acre parcel withing the R-R Zone District. Comments Due by May 15, 2024(PDF, 29MB)

Unclassified Conditional Use Permit No. 3784 & Initial Study No. 8553 proposing to allow an events venue on a 9.98-acre parcel located within the AE-20 Zone District. Comments Due by May 9, 2024(PDF, 37MB)

Variance Application No.4169 proposing to allow a reduction in the property development standards to allow a property line adjustment concerning two parcels resulting in the configuration of two substandard parcels (Parcel No. 1 [1.05-acres] and No. 2 [3.79-acres]). Parcel No. 1 will be substandard in size and frontage lot width and Parcel No. 2 will be substandard in frontage lot width and lot depth-to-width ratio in excess of 4 to 1, located within the R-R Zone District. Comments Due by May 7, 2024(PDF, 10MB)

Unclassified Conditional Use Permit No. 3793 & Initial Study No. 8573 proposing to allow an event venue on an existing 36.27-acre parcel. Comments Due by May 7, 2024(PDF, 27MB)

Director's Review and Approval Application No. 4767 proposing to allow a permanent 1,990 square foot proposed secondary conventional residence with an existing 7,605 square foot conventional residence on a 20-acre parcel in the RR Zone District. Comments Due by May 4, 2024(PDF, 5MB)

Tentative Tract Map Application No. 5991 Fifth One-Year Time Extension proposing to allow a fifth, one-year discretionary time extension to exercise Tentative Tract Map Application No. 5991, which authorized the creation of a 68-lot planned residential development on a 25.04-acre parcel in the R-1-C Zone District. Comments Due by May 2, 2024.(PDF, 3MB)

Tentative Tract Map No. 5393 – Fourth One-Year Time Extension proposing to allow a fourth one-year discretionary time extension to exercise Tentative Tract Map No. 5393 which authorizes a planned unit development consisting of 275 single-family residential lots, two commercial lots, two lots for future use, and other out lots on approximately 224-acres in the R-1-B(c), R-1(c), R-2(c), C-M(c), C-1(c), R-E(c) Districts. Comments Due by May 2, 2024(PDF, 16MB)

Tentative Tract Map No. 5430 - Fifth One-Year Time Extension proposing to allow a fifth one-year discretionary time extension to exercise Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5430, which authorizes the division of 179.57 acres into 561 residential lots in the R-1(c) and R-1-C (c) Zone Districts. Comments Due by May 2, 2024(PDF, 20MB)

Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5771, Fifth One-Year Time Extension proposing to grant a fifth one-year time extension to exercise Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5771 which authorized a planned residential development consisting of 79 single-family residential lots and a remainder lot totaling approximately 37.24-acres in the R-1(c) and R-2 (c) Zone Districts. Comments Due by May 2, 2024(PDF, 6MB)

Vesting Tentative Tract Map (TTM) No. 6226; Fourth One-Year Time Extension proposing to allow a fourth one-year time extension to exercise Vesting Tentative Tract Map No.6226. Comments Due by May 2, 2024(PDF, 10MB)

Environmental Review No. 8566, General Plan Amendment Application No. 574, and Amendment Application No. 3867 Proposing to Amend County General Plan to Include an Approximately 18-Acre Parcel of Land into General Plan Policy LU-E.24 and Figure LU-4 of the Approved General Plan Policy Document and Rezone the Subject Parcel from AE-20 Zone District to AL-20 Zone District. This Proposal Involves no Development and was Initiated by the Property Owner. Comments due by April 23, 2024(PDF, 10MB) 

Amendment Application No. 3866 and Initial Study No. 8544 (Concurrent Applications: Site Plan Review No. 8342) Proposing to Rezone Two Parcels Totaling Approximately 1.26 Acres, From the C-6 nb Zone District to the M-1 nb Zone District. Comments Due by March 29, 2024(PDF, 8MB)

Initial Study Application No. 8565, Classified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3787 Proposing to Allow Addition of a Fueling Canopy with Eight (8) Fueling Positions and Additional Parking to an Existing Convenience Store/Mini Market on Two Contiguous Parcels Totaling 1.31 acres in the AC (Agricultural Commercial Center) Zone District. Comments Due by March 29, 2024(PDF, 12MB)

Unclassified Conditional Use Permit No. 3783, and Initial Study No. 8551 Proposing to Allow a Special Event Facility on Two Parcels Totaling Approximately 7.38-Acres, in the R-R Zone District. Comments Due by March 29, 2024(PDF, 17MB)

Director's Review and Approval Application No. 4764 Proposing to Allow a Permanent Second Dwelling Unit not to Exceed 2,000 Square Feet on an Existing 26.11-Acre Parcel. Comments Due by March 26, 2024(PDF, 10MB)

Variance Application No. 4162, Director’s Review and Approval Application No. 4757, & Environmental Review No. 8528 Proposing to Allow a Reduction in the Property Development Standards to Allow a Reduced Lot Width and Road Frontage of 53.2-Feet, Where a Minimum of 165-Feet Are Required; Allow a Lot Depth-To-Width Ratio in Excess of 4 To 1; and Allow a Reduction of the Minimum Required Setbacks for a Single Family Residence and Accessory Buildings in Conjunction with Proposed Property Line Adjustment (PLA) 22-09 Between an Existing 1.86-Acre Parcel and 153.1-Acre Parcel. Additionally, Allow Two Existing Residences to Remain on the Proposed 1.86-Acre Parcel Located Within the AE-20 Zone District. Comments Due by March 26, 2024(PDF, 6MB)

Director’s Review and Approval No. 4763 proposing to allow the operation of a commercial horseback riding academy and horse boarding on an existing 40-acre parcel located within the AE-40 (Exclusive Agricultural, 40-acre minimum parcel size) Zone District. Comments due by March 26, 2024(PDF, 3MB) 

Initial Study Application No. 8539, General Plan Amendment Application No. 573, Amendment Application No. 3865 Proposing to Amend the Land Use Element of the County General Plan by Changing the Land Use Designation of a 11.27-Acre Parcel From 'Agriculture' to Heavy Industrial, and Change the Zoning of the Subject Parcel from the AE-20 Zone District to the M-3 (c) Zone District to Allow a Truck Yard Terminal.(PDF, 21MB)

Variance No. 4165 and Environmental Review No. 8535 Proposing to Allow a Zero-Foot Front Yard Setback, for an Attached Deck, and Allow an 8.5-Foot Front Yard Set-Back, Where a Minimum of 20 Feet are Required, and Allow a 38-Foot Peak Height, where a maximum of 35 feet are allowed for an existing single-family residential addition, on an approximately 6,435 square-foot lot, in the R-1(m) Zone District.(PDF, 20MB) 

Unclassified Conditional Use Permit No. 3782 and Initial Study No. 8545 Proposing to Allow the Drilling of Approximately Eight (8) New Oil Wells on Existing Well Pads, return Existing Wells to Production, Conversion of Approximately Fifteen (15) Existing Production Wells to Water Injection/Disposal Wells, Installation of New Pipelines and Appurtenant Facilities to Connect Injection Wells into the Produced Water Transmission System, and Ongoing Maintenance of Existing Surface Facilities, Utility Lines, Access Roads, Drill Pads, and Pipelines, on a 627.7-Acre Parcel, within an Established Oil Field, in the AL-20 and the AE-40  Zone Districts.(PDF, 35MB)

Initial Study Application No. 8461, Classified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3773 Proposing to Amend CUP No. 3478 to Allow a Workshop Building for Religious Activities on a 2.5-Acre Parcel in the R-R Zone District. The Subject Parcel is Located on the Northeast Corner of McKinley Avenue and Blythe Avenue within City of Fresno Sphere of Influence.(PDF, 9MB)

Director’s Review and Approval No. 4756 Proposing to Allow a Permanent Second Dwelling Unit not to Exceed 2,000 Square Feet on an Existing 5-Acre Parcel. The Subject Property is Located Within the AL20 Zone District.(PDF, 16MB) 

Director Review and Approval No. 4758 Proposing to Allow a Class-II Home Occupation involving Firearms Sales and Transactions as well as Firearm Related Goods, Services, and Equipment (Ammunition, Optics, Cases Etc.). in the AE-40 Zone District.(PDF, 7MB)

Director’s Review and Approval No. 4748 Proposing to Allow for the Permitting of a Mobile Homes as a Second Dwelling Unit. The Subject Property is a 5-Acre Parcel Located Within the AE-40 Zone District.(PDF, 11MB)

Variance No. 4164 and Environmental Review No. 8531 Proposing to Waive the Minimum Lot Size Requirements to Allow the Creation of a 2-Acre Parcel from an Existing 20-Acre Parcel located within the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 6MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4752 Proposing to Allow a Permanent Second Residence on a 5.04-Acre Parcel. Second Residence not to Exceed 2,000 Square Feet and Owner to Reside in One of the Two Residences. The Subject Property is Located within the AL-20 Zone District.(PDF, 16MB)

Variance No. 4163 and Environmental Review No. 8530 Proposing to Waive the Required Parcel Size, Minimum Street Frontage Requirements, and the Lot Depth Ratio of 4 to 1 to Allow the Creation of a Two-Acre and a 1.97-Acre Parcel from a 3.97-Acre Parcel in the AL-20 Zone District.(PDF, 12MB)

Conditional Use Permit No.3779 and Initial Study No. 8521 Proposing to Allow the Conversion of an Existing Single Family Residence to an 18-Bed Residential Care Facility on a 2.16-Acre Parcel in the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 55MB)

Amendment Application No. 3864, Initial Study No. 8519, Variance No. 4159 and General Plan Amendment No. 569 Proposing to Amend the Land Use Element of the Fresno County General Plan by Changing the Land Use Designation of an Approximate 5.25-Acre Portion of an 18.96-Acre Parcel known as Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 338-031-06 from Agricultural to Service, Commercial. The Subject 18.96-Acre Parcel contains Three Zoning Districts: AE-20, P, and C-6(c) Zone District.(PDF, 10MB) 

Outside Agency Review - Request for Review and Comments - City of Clovis DRC 2023-053 for a Proposed 134-Lot Single-Family Residential Subdivision Located at the North Side of E. Behymer Ave., 412-Feet East from its Intersection with N. Peach Ave. on a 21.82-Acre Parcel within the AE-20 Zone District. Comments due Friday, January 5th 2024.(PDF, 1MB)

Director Review and Approval Application No. 4753 and Initial Study No. 8497 Proposing to Allow the Storage of Trucks and Trailers to be Utilized Exclusively for the Transportation of Agricultural Products, Supplies and Equipment, to be Located on a 5.23-Acre Parcel Within the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 8MB) 

Unclassified Conditional Use Permit No. 3778, Variance No. 4158, and Initial Study No. 8517 Proposing an Unclassified Conditional Use Permit to Allow a High-Intensity Park (Wedding Venue) and Concurrent Variance to Create a 5-Acre Parcel (Vacant) and a 5.39-Acre Parcel (Event Venue) from an Existing 10.39-Acre Parcel in the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 9MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4755 Proposing to Allow a Permanent 1,000 Square Foot Proposed Secondary Conventional Residence with an Existing 1,716 Square Foot Conventional Primary Residence on a 2.31-Acre Parcel in the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 3MB)

Director’s Review and Approval No. 4754 Proposing to Allow a Permanent Second Dwelling Unit not to Exceed 2,000 Square Feet in Size. The Subject Property is a 2.5-Acre Parcel Located Within the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 15MB) 

Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3774, Initial Study Application No. 8489 Proposing to Allow for a Solid Waste Processing Facility along with a (buy right) Ready-Mix Concrete Plant on an Existing 12.01-Acre Parcel. The subject property is located within the M-3 Zone District.(PDF, 10MB)

Variance Application No. 4156 and Initial Study No. 8482 to allow the Creation of a Substandard Size Parcel in the AE-20 Zone District from an Existing 39.38-Acre Parcel. The Proposed Parcel is 1.27-Acres in Size and the Existing Parcel will be 38.11-Acres with the Intent to Sell Remainder Parcel for Continued Agricultural Use. A Mapping Procedure to Follow if the Variance is Approved.(PDF, 9MB)

Director’s Review and Approval 4751 Proposing to Allow a 25-Foot Microwave Repeater Communications Tower and Related Facilities on a 76.62-Acre Parcel. The subject property is Located Within the AE-40 Zone District.(PDF, 10MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4750 Proposing to Allow an Additional 1,217 Square Feet Aggregate Area for Existing Accessory Structures (Detached Garage, Metal Cover, Shed, and Shipping Container; Currently Unpermitted) where a Maximum of 500 Square Feet are Allowed on an Existing 2.31-Acre Parcel located within the R-R Zone District.(PDF, 29MB)

Amendment Application No. 3863 and Initial Study No. 8471 Proposing to Rezone a 6-Acre Parcel in the AL-20 Zone District to the R-A Zone District with the Intent of Creating 4 Equal Size Lots.(PDF, 4MB)

Initial Study Application No. 8421, Amendment Application No. 3858, Classified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3767 Proposing to allow Conditional Rezone of a 2.8-Acre Parcel from the AL-20 Zone District to the AE-20 Zone District and a Conditional Use Permit to allow an Agricultural Commercial Center on the Subject Parcel Consisting of a Grocery Store, Automobile Service Station and a Restaurant.(PDF, 17MB) 

Director Review and Approval No. 4747 Proposing to Allow an Existing Permanent Secondary Dwelling Unit and an Existing Accessory Dwelling Unit to remain on Two Newly Adjusted Parcels. Adjusted Parcel A is a 1.38-Acre Parcel, and Adjusted Parcel B is a 4.09-Acre Parcel. The Subject Properties are located within the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 13MB) 

Initial Study No. 8333 and Unclassified Conditional Use Permit No. 3753 Proposing to Allow a Fruit Cold Storage/Packing Facility and a Juicing Operation on a 76.51-Acre Parcel in the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 13MB)

Classified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3756 and Initial Study No. 8345 Proposing to Allow Facilities that are Operated in Association with a Value-Added Agricultural Processing Facility (Packing House) on a 28.87-Acre Parcel located within the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 2MB)

Director Review and Approval Application No. 4746 Proposing to Allow a 3,066 Square-Foot Building Addition to an Existing Church Approved by DRA 4329 to Accommodate Classrooms, Break Room, Lounge, Storage, and Restroom. The project is Located on a 25.62-Acre Parcel in the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 28MB)

Director’s Review and Approval No. 4744 Proposing a New 3,870 Square-Foot Primary Residence, existing 1,476 Square-Foot Single Family Residence to become the Secondary Residence on an Existing 19.55-Acre Parcel located within the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 10MB)

Classified Conditional Use Permit No. 3768 & Initial Study No. 8428 Proposing to Allow an Existing Dairy to Increase Current Milk Cow Herd Size by 1,800 Head, for a Total of 5,000 Milk Cow Heads, increase Dry from 480 Heads to 600 Dry Heads and Allow the Construction of One Free Stall Barn, One Hospital Barn, and Two Saudi-Style Barns, on a 598.9-Acre Parcel, located within the AE-20 Zone District Zone District.(PDF, 6MB) 

Director Review and Approval Application No. 4743 and Initial Study No. 8410 Proposing to Allow the Maintenance and Storage of Trucks and Trailers to be Utilized Exclusively for the Transportation of Agricultural Products, Supplies and Equipment, to be Located on a 23.94-Acre Parcel within the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 4MB)

VA-4150-Variance Application No. 4150 and Initial Study No. 8381 Proposing to Allow the Creation of a Substandard Size Parcel in the AE-20 Zone District from an Existings 17.03-Acre Parcel. The Proposed Parcel is 2 Acres in Size and the Existing Parcel will be 15.03 Acres. Mapping Procedure to Follow if Variance Approved. (Comment Period Closes June 12, 2023)(PDF, 6MB)

Amendment Application (AA) No. 3857 and Initial Study No. 8397 Proposing to Rezone an 8.19-Acre Parcel from AL-20 to the M-1 Zone District, to allow the operation of a truck and trailer parking and maintenance facility. (Comment Period Closes June 9, 2023)(PDF, 8MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4742 and Environmental Review 8396 proposing to allow an existing mobile home as a secondary dwelling unit on an existing 30-acre parcel (primary and secondary residences existing) to facilitate a mapping application. The subject property is located within the AE-20 Zone District. (Comment Period Closes June 8, 2023)(PDF, 6MB)

Tentative Tract Map Application No. 6436 & Initial Study No. 8373 Proposing to Allow the Division of a 39.39-Acre Parcel into Seventeen Parcels, where Each Parcel must contain a Minimum Area of Two Net-Acres, exclusive of all Road and Canal Rights-Of-Way, Recreation Easements, Permanent Water Bodies and Public or Quasi-Public Common Use Areas, in the R-R Zone District. (Comment Period Closes March 23, 2023)(PDF, 8MB)

Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3761 & Initial Study No. 8367 proposing to Allow an Interstate Freeway Interchange Commercial Development. (Comment Period Closes March 16, 2023)(PDF, 12MB)

Director Review and Approval Application No. 4735 Proposing to Allow an Existing Accessory Living Quarters to be Converted into a Permanent Second Residence, not to exceed 2,000 Square Feet of Living Space on a 2.64-Acre Parcel in the R-R Zone District. (Comment Period Closes March , 2023)(PDF, 20MB)  

Director Review and Approval Application No. 4732 Proposing to Allow a Mobile Home as a Permanent Second Residence on a 11.11-Acre Parcel in the AE-40 (Exclusive Agricultural, 40-acre minimum) Zone District. Mobile Home not to Exceed 2,000 Square Feet and the Property Owner must reside on the Property. (Comment Period Closes February 13, 2023)(PDF, 9MB)

Director Review and Approval Application No. 4731 Proposing to Allow a Class II Home Occupation to Allow an Accessory Structure as Storage and Food Prep for Offsite Mobile Restaurant on a 1.31-Acre Parcel located within the AE-20 Zone District. (Comment Period Closes January 12, 2023)(PDF, 6MB)

Director Review and Approval Application No. 4728 and Initial Study Application No. 8334 Proposing to Allow a Small Winery and Tasting Room Within the AE-5 Zone District. (Comment Period Closes January 6, 2022)(PDF, 57MB) 

Initial Study Application No. 8267 and Amendment Application No. 3848 Proposing to Allow the Rezone of a 13.31-Acre Parcel from the AL20 Zone District to the M-3 Zone District. (Comment Period Closes October 21, 2022)(PDF, 16MB)

Classified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3752 and Initial Study No. 8313 Proposing to Allow an Agricultural Commercial Center Consisting of a Convenience and a Gas Station with Related Improvements on an Approximately 2.34-Acres Portion of a 49.08-Acres Parcel Zoned AE-20.(PDF, 10MB) 

Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3750 and Initial Study No. 8284 Proposing to Allow a Rural Commercial Center (Includes a Grocery Store, Restaurant and Barber Shop) with Related Improvements on a 2.11-Acre Parcel Zoned RR Including Shared Parking with an Adjacent 0.56-Acre Parcel Zoned RCC and Developed With A Multi-Story Commercial/Residential Apartment Building and A Laundromat. (Comment Period Closes October 6, 2022)
(PDF, 6MB)

Variance Application No. 4138 Proposing to Allow a Substandard Sized Two-Acre Parcel and an Eighteen-Acre Parcel from an Existing 20 Acres within the AE-20 Zone District. (Comment Period Closes September 19, 2022)(PDF, 4MB) 

Initial Study Application No. 8168, Classified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3729, and Variance Application No. 4137 proposing to Allow a Carwash Together with an Automobile Service Station, Convenience Store and Commercial Business Suites. (Comment Period Closes May 31, 2022)(PDF, 23MB) 

Environmental Impact Report No. 8189 and Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3734 proposing to allow an energy storage system and transmission infrastructure, on an  208-acre portion of three parcels in the AE-40 Zone District. (Comment Period Closes February 17, 2022)(PDF, 4MB)

Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3735 and Initial Study No. 8191 proposing to amend Unclassified CUP 3642 to allow the re-route and construction of an approximately 3.0-mile-long portion of a previously approved biogas pipeline, as part of a cluster of interconnected dairy digesters and a biogas upgrade facility; including an approximately 2.0-mile long segment of the pipeline to be constructed within the public right-of-way along the north and south sides of W. Elkhorn Avenue between S. Howard Avenue and Lassen Avenue , in the AE-20 Zone District. (Comment Period Closes February 16, 2022)(PDF, 5MB) 

Director Review and Approval Application No. 4688 and Initial Study No. 8185 to Allow a Herd Size increase of 500 Cattle, to an Existing Herd of 6,200 Animals, for a Total Permitted Herd Size of 6,700 Animals, associated with the Operation of an Existing Dairy, on a 140.89-Acre Parcel in the AE-20 Zone District. (Comment Period Closes January 28, 2022)(PDF, 7MB) 

Initial Study No. 8162 and Director Review and Approval Application No. 4682 to allow the Operation of a Private School within an Existing Building, Located on an Inactive Dairy Site, on a 40-Acre Parcel in the AE-20 Zone District. (Comment Period Closes December 21, 2021)(PDF, 4MB) 

Director Review and Approval No. 4660- Allow the Maintenance and Storage of Trucks and Trailers on a 9.25 -acre Parcel in the AE-20 Zone District. (Comment Period Closes August 11, 2021)(PDF, 4MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4649- Allow a New 2962-sqft Primary Residence with an Existing 1500-sqft Home to Remain as a Second Residence on a 22.76- acre Parcel. (Comment Period Closes April 9, 2021)(PDF, 70MB)

Initial Study Application No. 8018, General Plan Amendment Application No. 565, and Amendment Application No. 3843- Amend the Land Use Element of the Riverdale Community Plan by Changing the Land Designations. (Comment Period Closes March 4, 2021)(PDF, 3MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4644- Conversion of an Accessory Structure to a Second Residence. (Comment Period Closes January 15, 2021)(PDF, 55MB) 

Initial Study 7929- Little Dry Creek Bridge Replacement. (Comment Period Closes December 1, 2020)(PDF, 89MB)

Director Review and Approval Application No. 4636- Second Residence. (Comment Period Closes October 16, 2020)(PDF, 18MB)

Director Review and Approval Application No. 4637- Second Residence. (Comment Period Closes October 16, 2020)(PDF, 5MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4634- Second Residence. (Comment Period Closes September 24, 2020)(PDF, 11MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4630 -Allow Existing Second Residence with New Proposed Primary Residence. (Comment Period Closes September 9, 2020)(PDF, 7MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4631- Second Residence. (Comment Period Closes August 31, 2020)(PDF, 8MB)

Conditional Use Permit No. 3676 - Phased Development of a Recreational Vehicle Park. (Comment Period Closes August 27, 2020)(PDF, 20MB)

Conditional Use Permit No. 3683 and Tentative Tract Map No. 6297 - 13 Lot Subdivision. (Comment Period Closes July 9, 2020)(PDF, 9MB)

Amendment Application No. 3842 - Rezone to M-3. (Comment Period Closes July 1,2020)(PDF, 19MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4623 - Second Residence. (Comment Period Closes June 24, 2020)(PDF, 36MB)

Environmental Review No. 7861 - American Avenue Improvements. (Comment Period Closes June 9, 2020)(PDF, 63MB)

Initial Study No. 7859 - Goodfellow Shoulder Improvements. (Comment Period Closes May 25, 2020)(PDF, 6MB)

Director Review and Approval No. 4618 - Church Meeting Hall. (Comment Period Closes May 21, 2020)(PDF, 3MB)

Tentative Tract Map No. 6297 - Planned Residential Development. (Comment Period Closes May 1, 2020)(PDF, 9MB)

Amendment Application No. 3834 and GPA No. 557 - Industrial Rezoning. (Comment Period Closes February 17, 2020)(PDF, 6MB)