Planning and Land Use

General Information

Fresno County is committed to preserving agricultural and natural resources through its urban-center growth policies and land use planning. The county's planning services include the processing of land use applications, land division, administration, and implementation of the General, Regional, Community, and Specific Plans, Williamson Act Preserves and Contracts, urban growth and water resource management and CEQA and NEPA compliance.

County Ordinance Code

General Plan

Land Use Applications

Master Schedule of Fees(PDF, 135KB)

Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO)(PDF, 246KB)

Planning Commission

Map of Open Applications

Map of Applications Considered by the Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors
Planning Commission Log

SB 2 Planning Grant Information

Zoning Ordinance

Environmental Documents

Environmental Impact Reports

Initial Studies

Fresno County CEQA Procedures

CEQA Procedures

CEQA Process Flow Chart(PDF, 225KB)

Updates to the Williamson Act

Williamson Act Information(PDF, 820KB)

Williamson Act Questions and Answers(PDF, 88KB)

Miscellaneous Information

CA Department of Fish & Wildlife Fees (Updated Annually)

Maps and GIS

Photovoltaic Solar Projects
Public Notices

Contact Information

Current Planning and Environmental Analysis (559) 600-4230

Policy Planning (559) 600-4022

Development Engineering (559) 600-4022

Zoning Information (559) 600-4540 E-mail Zoning

Our offices are located in Annex "A" and "B" of the Fresno County Plaza on the southwest corner of Tulare and "M" Streets. 

Office hours (available by phone):  Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

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