Initial Studies

Current Project Information 

Initial Study Application No. 8657 and Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3817 proposing to allow the installation of a 135-foot-tall unmanned wireless telecommunication monopole (cell tower) and related facilities with a lease on a 22.03-acre parcel within the AE-20 (Exclusive Agricultural, 20-acre minimum parcel size) Zone District.(PDF, 196KB)

Initial Study No. 8285 and Variance Application No. 4138 Proposing to Allow the Creation of a Substandard Sized Two-Acre Parcel and an Eighteen-Acre Parcel from an Existing 20-Acre Parcel within the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 6MB)

Initial Study Application No. 8514 and Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3776 proposing to Allow an unmanned 130-foot co-locatable wireless telecommunication tower and related facilities on a 34.86- acre parcel located within the AL-20 Zone District.(PDF, 22MB) 

Initial Study No. 8428 and Classified Conditional Use Permit No.3768 Proposing to Allow an Existing Dairy to Increase Current Milk Cow Herd Size by 1,800 Head, for a total of 5,000 Milk Cow Heads, Increase Dry from 480 Heads to 600 Dry Heads and Allow the Construction of One Free Stall Barn, One Hospital Barn, and Two Saudi-Style Barns, on a 598.9-Acre Parcel, Within the AE-20 Zone District Zone District.(PDF, 39MB)

Initial Study No. 8383, Amendment Application No. 3855 Rezone an Existing 7.76-Acre Parcel from the AE-20 Zone District to the C-4 Zone District. It is the Applicant’s Primary Intent to Operate a Museum for Cultural and Agricultural Preservation. Additional Allowed Uses include: Antique Shops, Exhibit Halls, Institutions of a Philanthropic Nature, Meeting Hall, Museums, and Signs subject to the Provisions of Section 836.5.(PDF, 249KB)

Initial Study No. 7504; General Plan Amendment Application No. 555; Amendment Application No. 3832 Proposing to Amend the Land Use Element of the County-Adopted Selma Community Plan to Redesignate a 18.56-Acre Parcel and a 9.29-Acre Parcel from Agriculture to General Industrial; and change the Zoning of the said Parcels from the AE-20 Zone District to the M-3 (c) Zone District to allow Limited by-right Industrial uses and Expansion of an Existing Rail Spur and Related Freight Terminal Operations Located on an Adjacent Westerly Property.(PDF, 9MB)

Initial Study No. 8408 and Director Review and Approval No. 4699 Proposing to Allow a 1,760 Square Foot Conventional Home as a Second Dwelling Unit on a 18.6-Acre Parcel located within the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 198KB)

Initial Study No. 8334 and Director Review and Approval No. 4728 Proposing to Allow a Small Winery and Tasting Room within the AE-5 Zone District.(PDF, 233KB) 

Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3681 and Initial Study No. 7878 Proposing to Allow Continued Surface Mining Operation with Facilities Approved by CUP No. 2928 for an Additional 50 Years to January 18, 2071, on Two Contiguous Parcels Totaling 142 Acres in the AL-40 Zone District.(PDF, 97MB)

Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3713 and Initial Study No. 8081 Proposing to Allow a High Intensity Park with Related Improvements for Weddings, Fundraisers, Corporate Retreat, and Private Parties, Including a Veterinary Office and a Fruit Stand/Wine Tasting Room on Approximately 10-Acre Portion of a 43.94-Acre Parcel and a 1.62-Acre Parcel in the AE-40 Zone District.(PDF, 19MB) 

Initial Study No. 8100 and Director Review and Approval No. 4663 Recognize and Permit Expansion of an Existing County Road Maintenance Yard Including the Installation of a Modular Office on an 8.03-Acre Parcel in the AE-160 Zone District.(PDF, 304KB)

Initial Study No. 7962 and Director Review and Approval Application No. 4642 Proposing to Allow the Maintenance and Storage of Trucks and Trailers to be Devoted Exclusively to the Transportation of Agricultural Products, Supplies and Equipment, on an Approximately 2.5-Acre Portion of a 34.76-Acre Parcel in the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 5MB)

Initial Study No. 8202 and Director Review and Approval No. 4691 Proposing to Allow an Eighty-Foot High Self-Supporting Microwave Relay Tower Intended to Gather Information for the Panoche Water District on a 9.25-Acre Parcel in the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 123KB)

Initial Study No. 8201 & Director Review and Approval Application No. 4690 Proposing to Allow an Eighty-Foot High Self-Supporting Microwave Relay Tower Intended to Gather Information for the Panoche Water District on a 4.59- Acre Parcel in the AE-20 Zone District.(PDF, 123KB)

Initial Study No. 8193 and Director Review and Approval Application No. 4689 Proposing to Allow a Microwave Tower and Communications Shelter on a 6.81-acre parcel in the AL-20 Zone District.(PDF, 286KB) 

Initial Study No. 7905 and Tentative Tract Map Application No. 6334 Proposing to Allow the Creation of a Nine-Lot Subdivision of a 19.76-Acre Parcel, with Each Lot Containing Approximately Two Acres, in the R-R Zone District.(PDF, 15MB)

Initial Study No. 7859- The Project Proposes to Add Paved 8-Foot Wide Shoulders, Shoulder Backing, and Traffic Striping/ County of Fresno(PDF, 6MB) 

IS 7931 and VA 4094- Allow Creation of an Approximately 30.18-Acre Parcel and an Approximately 13.20-Acre Parcel From Two Parcels Totaling 43.38 Acres in Land/Wyatt Dean Fulbright(PDF, 9MB)

IS 7821 (Recirculated) Reedley Main Canal Bridge Replacement(PDF, 3MB)

IS 7719 and DRA 4601 - AG Trucking Use / Maverick AG(PDF, 24MB)

IS 7651 and CUP 3654 & VA 4072 - Reduced Parcel Size, Ag Trucking & Feed Store(PDF, 66MB)

IS 7486 and DRA 4556 - Truck Storage / Mangal Pabla(PDF, 24MB)

IS 7334 (Recirculated)- Fresno Canal Bridge Replacement/ County of Fresno(PDF, 29MB)

IS 7334 - Fresno Canal Bridge Replacement / County of Fresno(PDF, 25MB)

IS 7530 - Jacalitos Creek Bridge / County of Fresno(PDF, 41MB)

IS 7594 - Alta Main Canal Bridge / County of Fresno(PDF, 44MB)

Contact Information

Current Planning and Environmental Analysis (559) 600-4497

Our offices are located in Annex "A" and "B" of the Fresno County Plaza on the southwest corner of Tulare and "M" Streets.

Office hours (available by phone): Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.