Easton Complete Streets

12_Elm west side facing south from Willamette in front of chruch.jpg

Easton is one of 38 unincorporated disadvantaged communities in the 6,000 square mile Fresno County. With over 3,400 road miles to maintain, there are not enough gas tax revenues to pay for drainage and sidewalks without congressionally allocated funding. Several models have determined that Fresno County is among the most vulnerable counties in the nation when it comes to climate change risk.

The majority of the community of Easton lacks a storm drain system. During even mild rain events, near schools such as Washington Colony Elementary and Washington Union High School parents and students must walk in the middle of the street to access the school. Many parts of Easton lack sidewalks which cause safety issues, as students and other residents face heavy traffic and no place to safely walk or bike. Administrators, teachers, and parents from the school district reached out to the County to provide solutions. As an unincorporated community, there is no tax base to pay for such improvements. The community service district typically operates at a deficit and has no means to pay for these type of infrastructure improvements.

Large sections of the area lack or have deteriorating sidewalks, and pedestrians are forced to walk in the street, along motor vehicles or on dirt paths. ADA curb ramps are inadequate, forcing wheelchair users to travel in the street alongside traffic; truncated domes are missing. Additionally, the storm drainage system is in disrepair and needs improvements. Areas of the road and shoulders lack adequate drainage and are prone to flooding causing dirt shoulders to become muddy and uneven.

Connectivity within the project area is restricted. The number of safe and direct routes between places is limited since existing sidewalks and roads in front of common use places and businesses are in disrepair or non-existent. This impacts daily activities, such as safe paths to school for children. The proposed improvements will address missing and damaged sections of sidewalk, as well as ADA compliance. Safety will improve for vehicular traffic as drainage improvements will minimize road flooding.

Preliminary Plans(PDF, 6MB)

Photos of Existing Conditions(PDF, 58MB)
