24-08-C Jacalitos Creek Bridge Replacement on Lost Hills Road
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The work to be done consists, in general, of widening the existing roadway (no additional capacity) and replacing the structurally deficient two-lane bridge with a standard two-lane bridge. The Jacalitos Creek Bridge on Lost Hills Road (Bridge No. 42C0078 / 03-038) is located 3.8 miles south of the community of Coalinga. The new bridge structures will consist of pre-cast, pre-stressed concrete voided slabs which will be supported by outrigger piers, pier caps, and a Cast-In-Drill-Hole concrete pile foundation. The new bridge structures will consist of Cast-In-Place, Pre-Stressed concrete slabs which will be supported by outrigger piers, pier caps, and a Cast-In-Drill-Hole concrete pile foundation. The work also includes constructing abutments, installing bridge concrete barriers, finishing the bridge decks with polyester concrete overlay, and placing a hot mix asphalt concrete overlay on the roadway approaches. A temporary detour road will be created with temporary railings and temporary crash cushions.
The DBE Contract Goal is 17%.
The engineer's estimate range is $7,200,000-$8,000,000.
Location Map(PDF, 359KB)

Specifications and Plans
Notice to Bidders(PDF, 168KB) posted 2/11/2025
Addendum 1(PDF, 314KB) posted 2/20/2025
Addendum 2(PDF, 289KB)(PDF, 289KB) posted 2/27/2025
Specifications(PDF, 13MB) posted 2/25/2025
Plans(PDF, 25MB) posted 2/25/2025
Supplemental Information
Foundation Report(PDF, 26MB) posted 2/25/2025
Hydraulic Report(PDF, 15MB) posted 2/25/2025
As-Built Plans(PDF, 6MB) posted 2/25/2025
Cross Sections(PDF, 7MB) posted 2/25/2025
ACOE NWP 14 Authorization(PDF, 968KB) posted 2/25/2025
401 Water Quality Permit(PDF, 1MB) posted 2/25/2025
CDFW Application(PDF, 9MB) posted 2/25/2025
Requests for Clarification Responses updated 03/14/2025
Pre-Bid Meeting
An optional pre-bid conference was held online at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
Pre-Bid Agenda(PDF, 86KB) posted 2/25/2025
Pre-Bid Attendance(PDF, 107KB) posted 2/27/2025
Pre-Bid Minutes and Presentation Slides(PDF, 4MB)(PDF, 4MB) posted 3/3/2025
Bid on this Project
We encourage you to submit an electronic bid for this project. The Specifications describe how you can bid using the old paper process.
All bids are due before Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. Pacific
Bid Opening
Bids will be opened for this project:
Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. Pacific
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