A key part of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) is maintaining local control over groundwater resources. Locally-formed Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSA) are responsible for complying with the requirements of SGMA and overseeing the sustainable management of our region’s groundwater resources. SGMA requires GSAs to prepare Groundwater Sustainability Plans, implement actions to bring the subbasin into sustainability, and engage local stakeholders in the SGMA process.
SGMA grants the following authorities to all GSAs to aid in the implementation of GSPs:
• Adopt rules, regulations, ordinances, and resolutions to implement SGMA
• Monitor compliance and enforcement
• Require registration of groundwater wells
• Require appropriate measurement devices and reporting of extractions
• Investigate, appropriate and acquire surface water rights, groundwater and groundwater rights into the GSA
• Acquire or augment local water supplies to enhance the sustainability of the groundwater basin
• Propose and collect fees
• Adopt and fund a GSP according to existing laws
The GSAs in the Delta-Mendota Subbasin may choose to use some, all, or none of these authorities.