Landfill Operations

             American Avenue Disposal Site   American Avenue Disposal Site

Treated Wood Waste Disposal Guidelines and Application
Effective September 10, 2021
(PDF, 601KB)

The County of Fresno operates two disposal facilities for area residents. The American Avenue Disposal Site is the county's regional landfill located near the city of San Joaquin. This facility is able to accept all types of solid waste and recycling. The Shaver Lake Transfer Station is operated in partnership with the County of Fresno, Mid Valley Disposal, and the US Forest Service. 

High-Visibility Safety Vests Required at American Avenue Disposal Site

American Avenue Disposal Site

18950 W American Ave.
Kerman, CA 93630

Monday-Friday 7am - 3pm
Saturday 8am - 2:30pm

Closed: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day

Phone: (559) 600-4259

Landfill Location Map: American Avenue Disposal Site(PDF, 104KB)

Tipping Fee Rates - Effective July 1, 2024(PDF, 84KB)

Shaver Lake Transfer Station

42089 Dinkey Creek Rd.
Shaver Lake, CA 93664

(Open May 1st - First Snowfall or Dec 1)
Friday & Saturday 10am - 3pm


Phone: (559) 237-9425

Transfer Station Location Map: Shaver Lake Transfer Station(PDF, 168KB)  

Shaver Lake Transfer Station Rates - Effective July 1, 2024(PDF, 58KB)

All major Credit Cards now accepted

Credit Cards Accepted

Convenience Fee: 2.3% 

Notice of Credit Card Service Fee Increase
Effective January 1, 2025

Starting January 1, 2025, the credit card service fee will increase from 2.29% to 2.3%. This change reflects adjustments in processing costs and will apply to all payments made via credit card.

Household Hazardous Waste Disposal

Fresno County offers multiple opportunities to dispose of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW):
  • Fresno County has an Environmental Compliance Center located at 1327 West Dan Ronquillo Drive, Fresno, CA. We also offer multiple Network sites throughout the County to drop off HHW such as light bulbs, batteries, automotive fluids, sharps, E-waste, and paint. For more information, click here.
  • We offer a Door-to-Door Program for those that are homebound or disabled. Please call (559) 600-4259 to schedule a pickup.
  • For businesses, we offer the Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) program. For more information, click here.




Tire Programs


Tire Amnesty: Fresno County offers to unincorporated County residents the opportunity to dispose of used passenger tires at Tire Amnesty Drives that occur throughout the year. Residents are allowed to bring up to 9 tires. If residents have more than 10 tires, they can contact Fresno County Department of Environmental Health at (559) 600-3357 or click here.

Tire Disposal: Any county resident is welcome to dispose of their used tires at the American Avenue Disposal Site. The address for this facility is 18950 W American Avenue, Kerman, CA 93630. The cost to dispose of used tires starts as low as $2.39 per tire for passenger vehicle tires.

special programs

Special Handling and Disposal Programs

Have a question about recycling a mattress? Need to dispose of an old cell phone? This guide gives a breakdown of what and where to drop off, dispose and safe handling of specific wastes.

Please call the Resources Division at (559) 600-4259 if you have any questions or need information about the topics listed above. You can also email staff at


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