21-03-M Slurry Seals

Bidding Results

 21-03-M was awarded on September 7, 2021 to Pavement Coatings Co.

The bid opening for this project was held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 26, 2021 on Zoom.

Bid Summary(PDF, 60KB)

Everyone who expressed interest in this project is listed on the Planholders List(PDF, 260KB).


The work to be done consists, in general, of placing a slurry seal of asphaltic emulsion and sand mixture on 20.4 miles of roadway on various existing roads in Fresno County. Other items or details not mentioned herein that are required by the Standard Specifications or these special provisions shall be performed, constructed, furnished or installed.

The engineer's estimate range is $815,000 to $910,000.

Location Map(PDF, 371KB)

Slurry seals location map

Specifications and Plans

Notice to Bidders(PDF, 142KB) posted 7/29/21

Specifications(PDF, 7MB) posted 8/05/21

Supplemental Information

Requests for Clarification Responses updated 7/29/21