20-22-I Saginaw Speed Humps

Bid Results

The bid opening for this project was held at 2:00 p.m. on June 14 on Zoom.

Bid Summary(PDF, 183KB)

Everyone who has expressed interest in this project is available on the Planholders List(PDF, 256KB)


The work to be done consists, in general, of installation of speed humps along Saginaw Ave between Palm and Wilson Aves for the purpose of traffic and speed mitigation. 

The engineer's estimate range is $7,000 to $9,000.

Specifications and Plans

Notice to Bidders(PDF, 1MB)  posted 6/2/2021

Bid Book(PDF, 349KB)  posted 6/2/2021

Supplemental Information

20-22-I Request for Clarification Responses updated 6/2/2021