City of Fresno
When overnight temperatures drop below 35 degrees, Warming Centers will be available from 7:00pm to 7:00am.
These centers are located at:
Cots, blankets, and pet cages will be available
FAX will provide FREE rides to and from the centers
City of Clovis
850 Fourth Street Clovis, CA
When overnight temperatures are 35 degrees or below, Warming Center will be available from 8:00pm - 6:00am.
City of Kingsburg
The City of Kingsburg will also have a warming center available between the hours of 9:00am and 4:00pm on weekdays.
More information is available on this resource page.
Fresno County Public Library
Residents are welcome to warm up at any Fresno County Public Library location during their regular hours of operation.
However, Libraries are not official warming centers and will not have warming services available, such as warm food or the ability to bring in a non-service animal.
Your free Library card is not required, but we hope you sign up for one while you're there!