Red Cross Disaster Relief Donations

Welcome to Red Cross Disaster Relief Donations

Donate to the Red Cross Disaster Relief

To support Red Cross Disaster Relief and help people affected by disasters like storms, fires and countless other crises, you can:

Your gift enables the Red Cross to prepare for, respond to and help people recover from disasters big and small.

How can people volunteer to help?

Volunteers comprise more than 90% of the Red Cross disaster workforce and make it possible for us to respond every year to an average of more than 60,000 disasters — most of which are home fires. After large disasters, the Red Cross first depends on pre-trained volunteers to travel to the disaster zone to help people in need. Those who are interested in getting trained to volunteer should contact their local chapter or visit

Donations of Goods

We know that people are generous and want to do everything they can to help after a disaster. Our first priority is to provide shelter and support to those affected — and financial donations are the quickest and best way to help those who need it most.

Donations of clothing and household items divert resources away from our mission — whereas financial donations can be used right away to directly help those affected, such as replacing lost items like prescription medications or reading glasses.

When possible, the Red Cross partners with organizations that manage donations of goods as part of their primary mission; please check with other local organizations to see if donated goods are needed before collecting or dropping off donations of clothing or household items.

Currently our partners at Tularosa Community Center and Mescalero Community Center are welcoming items. In all cases, due to health code regulations, the Red Cross cannot accept donations of homecooked meals or food items not prepared in a commercial kitchen.