
Recreation and Wildlife Commission Meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 3:00PM.

Welcome to Fresno County Parks 

Fresno County has a variety of regional parks and landscaped areas. Regional recreational facilities include 12 parks, two fishing access areas and a boat-launch/parking facility at Shaver Lake.

These areas are used for picnicking, fishing, hiking, jogging, bird watching, nature study, non-organized sports, barbecues, softball, soccer, volleyball, overnight camping, passive recreation and more. Download the map of all Fresno County Parks(PDF, 418KB)(PDF).

County of Fresno wishes to remind residents and park patrons that swimming in the river is not recommended while water releases are occurring. The water flows are much higher and result in faster currents. Turn Around, Don't Drown!

For water release information, please see the scheduled releases for Pine Flat Dam and Friant Dam.

Additional facilities include scenic drives, County Service Areas, Liberty Veterans Cemetery and the County Cemetery.

 County Parks Rules

Avocado Lake Park



Choinumni Park


     Lost Lake Recreation Area


   Veteran's Liberty Cemetery


County Cemetery/Potter's Field



Kearney Park


Winton Park


Skaggs Bridge Park


Laton-Kingston Park


Courthouse Park


Kings River Green Belt Park


China Creek Park


Thorburn Access Park


Three Rocks Fishing Access


Pine Flat Handicap Fishing Access


Los Gatos Creek Park


Shaver Lake Launch Ramp



Park Hours

Summer Hours: April 1st - September 30th from 7 AM to 10 PM
Winter Hours: October 1st - March 31st from 7 AM to 7 PM (Note: Campers must check in prior to 7:00 PM closure at Lost Lake Recreation Area)
Seasonal Closures: Laton-Kingston Park and Skaggs Bridge Park are closed from October 1st until the day before Easter.

Vehicle Entrance Fees

All vehicles must pay an entrance fee at the gate, even if the party has a camping reservation.

The entrance fee at all developed parks is $5 per vehicle upon entry.

Annual passes are available for $40 per year and can be purchased at Fresno County Resources Division: 2220 Tulare Street, 6th Floor, Fresno, CA 93721. Telephone (559) 600-3004. Passes are not valid during major special events, however, they can be used on holidays.

Reservations and Rates

No reservations are required for single campsites. For information about a specific park, click the park name above. For group picnic areas call (559) 600-3004.

Please call Parks at (559) 600-3004 to make group campsite reservations or for more information. All single campsites are assigned on a first come, first served basis:

Overnight Camping Rates (Effective 5/18/2015)

  • $25 per night per single campsite (second car is $5)
  • $200 per night per group campsite with a 10 vehicle maximum
  • $9 per night for seniors (age 62 and over, ID required)
  • $11 per night for disabled Veterans (valid ID, adjudication letter, Dept. of Defense form DD-214 required)

Note: Lost Lake Recreation Area has automatic gates that close. All campers must check in prior to the closure of the park.

Credit Card Payments

Fresno County Parks accepts all major credit cards for payments of reservations.

Convenience fee = 2.29% or $1.00, whichever is greater

Notice of Credit Card Service Fee Increase
Effective January 1, 2025

Starting January 1, 2025, the credit card service fee will increase from 2.29% to 2.3%. This change reflects adjustments in processing costs and will apply to all payments made via credit card.


Rules, Regulations and Permits

Information on bounce houses and pets.

More information...

Campfire Permits Required

Camp Hosts, Park Hosts, Sponsors, and Volunteers

The County of Fresno Parks is looking for retired couples or individuals who enjoy the outdoors and meeting people. The County operates two campgrounds on the Kings River and one campground on the San Joaquin River. In addition to the campgrounds, the County has opportunities at Avocado Lake Park, Kearney Park, Laton-Kingston Park, Skaggs Bridge Park and Winton Park for Park Hosts. Individuals may also sign up to be a sponsor or volunteer. Please email or call the Parks Division at (559) 600-3004 for an application or more information. 

Contact Fresno County Parks
For detailed information on a particular park and its location please click the links above or call (559) 600-3004.

Contact Information:

County of Fresno
Resources Division
2220 Tulare Street, 6th Floor, Fresno, CA 93721
Tel: (559) 600-3004
FAX (559) 600-4552  

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