In-Home Supportive Services Fraud
What is IHSS Fraud? IHSS Fraud is an intentional attempt by providers or recipients to receive unauthorized payments or benefits from the program.
If you observe or have knowledge of suspicious In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) activity, call the DHCS IHSS Fraud Hotline telephone number, 1-800-822-6222, to report it. The call is free and you can remain anonymous. You can also send an e-mail to The recorded message may be heard in English and ten (10) other languages including Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Armenian, Hmong, Cambodian, Laotian, Farsi, Korean, and Russian.
Welfare and Institutions Code section 12305.81(a) dictates that anyone convicted of a violation of California Penal Code section 273a(a), 368, or “fraud against a government health care or supportive services program” (which includes IHSS fraud) is ineligible to be an IHSS provider for 10 years.
Common Fraud Issues in IHSS:
- Providers cannot claim more hours than actually worked. This is a crime punishable under Penal Code §72 and §487(a).
- A provider cannot submit timesheets and accept payment for work that was never performed, and then split the pay (also known as “Check Splitting”) with the recipient or another person. The provider and recipient can be criminally prosecuted for theft and submitting a false timesheet under Penal Code §487(a) or Penal Code §72.
- Only the recipient or an authorized signer can sign a timesheet and only after all hours claimed have been worked.
- Providers cannot hire someone to perform their IHSS duties for them, while claiming these hours on their own timesheet.
- All persons providing care must be a registered provider who has been approved and authorized through IHSS. Subcontracting is a punishable crime under Penal Code §72.
- A provider cannot be paid to take care of a recipient who is out of the home due to:
- Hospitalization
- Placement in a skilled nursing facility
- Jail
- Living out of the county
Report IHSS Fraud
or Report IHSS Fraud by calling the DHCS IHSS Fraud Hotline telephone number at 1-800-822-6222