An IHSS recipient is considered the employer of the providers that they hire. As an employer, it's important that the IHSS recipient (or their Authorized Representative) has a basic understanding of the responsibilities that entails.
Some resources are available on the California Department of Social Services website.
The IHSS program requires that the recipient supervises the providers they hire, which includes:
Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
As the IHSS employer, it is your responsibility to keep the work place safe. You may be sued by your provider/employee if you allow sexual harassment to occur in the workplace.
The content below is from on the IHSS Recipient's Responsibility to Stop Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (SOC 2326) published by the California Department of Social Services.
As an employer of an IHSS provider, you should also be aware of the following information:
The IHSS program has specific rules about the payment of overtime and will issue a violation to providers when:
Each timesheet approved by the recipient and submitted for payment is evaluated for possible violations. The number of violations issued to a provider is monitored and too many violations can impact the provider's ability to work for you (and other IHSS recipients).
Fresno County IHSS Office
(559) 600-6666
The CDSS website has a variety of information to assist and educate IHSS recipients
Fact Sheets
Education Videos
Other Resources
IHSS fraud is an intentional attempt by individuals (providers and/or recipients) to receive unauthorized payments from the IHSS program.
Fraud can take many forms, but the most common involves:
Call the IHSS Fraud Hotline
or an email to: