Copy of Recorded Documents
How to obtain this service...
You may purchase copies of recorded documents (official records) online, by mail or by coming into our office. We offer two types of copies, regular and certified. Certification of the document makes the document as good as an original. Recorded documents are public records. They can be researched and viewed in our office at no charge. Our office handles more than 200 different types of documents.
Order Online
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Select Official Records Search and Copies
Step 3: Select option to search information (Best search result is by Last name, First name)
Step 4: Select Payment Method
Step 5: Download & Save Image using "Download Documents" button on the left-hand side
Step 6: Certified copy will be mail as they Require live signature & Official Seal
**Note: Image will be lost if not SAVED. Please download & Save the image before closing or moving on.
Order In Person
Order in person
- Go to one of the computers on second floor
- Click the red square "Eagle Recording Kiosk"
- Click "Official Records Search and Copies (Kiosk)"
- Select prefer search type
- Search for your record
- Add record to cart & proceed to checkout when ready
- Type your name & click submit
- Wait in line & let staff know you had placed an order
You may pay by check or money order payable to Fresno County Recorder, or by credit/debit card for an additional $2.50.
**Note: If order in person, please provide
- The Document or Instrument Number (Book and Page number if document has one)
Anything prior from 1981 require a book, page, and year
The name of at least one of the parties named in the document
The type of document
Order By Mail
- Mail us your request such as First & Last name, APN #, and document number.
(For faster service, visit
- Please provide a mail back address & check or money order (NO CASH)
- Document will be mail
A check or money order for the full amount, payable to Fresno County Recorder, must accompany the order. Do not send cash.
**Note: If order by mail, please provide
The Document or Instrument Number (Book and Page number if document has one)
Anything prior from 1981 require a book, page, and year
The name of at least one of the parties named in the document
The type of document
The name and address of the person or agency to whom the copies are to be returned
Fees |
$1.50 |
First page |
$0.50 |
Each additional page |
$1.00 |
Certified Copy |
Click here to view our fees schedules.
Reminder: We have moved from the Hall of Records to our new location at 1250 Van Ness Ave, Fresno, CA. Free parking is available for customers.
Recording Requirements
The County Recorder, upon payment of proper fees and taxes, will accept any document which is authorized or required by California law to be recorded. The document must contain the required information, and be photographically reproducible. Employees of the County Recorder are prohibited from giving legal advice or assisting you to prepare a document.
General Recording Requirements:
Upon payment of proper fees and taxes, the County Recorder will accept any document which is authorized or required by California law to be recorded, if the document contains required information and if it is photographically reproducible (GC §27201). Documents being recorded a second time have additional requirements to meet. See the Re-recording Requirements tab for details.
Documents may be presented for recording at the Recorder's office or mailed for recording. See our Contact Information page for our address and hours. The recording fee must accompany the documents.
Each document presented for recording must include or comply with the following general requirements:
The property must be located in Fresno County (CC §1169)
The document must be authorized or required by law to be recorded (GC §27201)
The document must be submitted with the proper fees and taxes (GC §6301, §27201, §27261)
The document must be in compliance with state and local laws
The document should name the person requesting the recording (GC §27361.6)
The document should state the name and address of the person or agency to whom the document should be returned after recording, by filling in "Recording requested by and mail to" (GC §27361.6)
The document must be legible enough to produce a readable photographic record (GC §27201, §27261.6, §27361.7)
Signatures must be originals unless the document is a certified copy issued by the appropriate custodian of the public record (GC §27201b, GC §28288, Evid Code §1530)
The document must be properly acknowledged, unless exempt. California requires an all-purpose acknowledgment (GC §27201, §27289, §27285, §27287, §27288, CC §1189)
The Assessor's Parcel Number is required on all documents that transfer an interest in real property (R&T §11911.1)
The notary seal must be legible and photographically reproducible (GC §8207)
Documents executed on or after July 1, 1994 must comply with the standard 8½" by 11" sheet and paper size to avoid penalty, and may never exceed 8½" by 14". Any document including any sheet not 8½" by 11" will cost the regular recording fee plus an additional $3.00 per page of the document to record per Government Code §27361.1.
Attached exhibits should be on a separate page and properly marked.
The first page must have a return address space on the top left 2½" down from the top edge of the page and 3½" wide, measured from the left edge of the page. On the top right, allow a blank space 2½" down from the top edge of the page and 5" wide for the recording information. If there is not enough space for the Recorder's Stamp (label) on the first page, an additional $3.00 will be charged for a cover page which will be placed on top of the document to provide the necessary space to accommodate the Recording Stamp. The title of the document shall appear on the first page immediately below the spaces reserved for the return address and the blank space for the Recorder's information. A sample cover page can be seen on the forms page.
When transferring an interest in real property, a "Preliminary Change of Ownership Report" (PCOR) is required per Revenue and Taxation Code §480.2. If a PCOR is required but not submitted at the time of recording, there will be an additional charge of $20.00 for the Ownership change. This fee must accompany the recording fee. You may obtain PCOR forms from our forms page or at the Fresno County Recorder's Office in person.
"Photographically Reproducible" is better assured if the original document is done on white paper that is 16 lb. or heavier, black ink only, and clear and legible printing. A few examples of reasons for rejecting a document as being not photographically reproducible are: documents printed on dot matrix printers, documents with colored or shaded areas, FAX copies, dark backgrounds, variations in colored paper/ink, print/letters that run together, and illegible Notary Seals.
A Notary Public must use acknowledgment forms that are prescribed by the California Civil Code. The acknowledgment forms must be properly and completely filled out before the document will be recorded. The nearest County office offering Notary Public services is the County Clerk. Contact them for hours and location or consult your local directory.
Notary Consumer Disclosure
Effective January 1, 2015, pursuant to Senate Bill 1050, the Recorder's Office will require the Notary Consumer Disclosure. This bill requires a legible notice at the top of the certificate of acknowledgment in an enclosed box, stating that the acknowledgment, proof of execution, or jurat verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which the acknowledgment, proof of execution, or jurat is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of the document.
Documents where the person appeared before a notary or other officer on or after January 1, 2015 must have this disclosure or will be rejected. Documents acknowledged before January 1, 2015 will be accepted for recording and must meet current applicable statue. This requirement has been made in accordance with the legislative amendment to Sections 1189 and 1195 of the Civil Code, and to amend Section 8202 of the Government Code, relating to notaries public.
Documents that are not in compliance with the above requirements will be rejected.
Documentary Transfer Tax
Documentary Transfer Tax is due on all taxable conveyances in excess of $100 at a rate of $0.55 per $500.00 or fraction thereof of the value of real property conveyed (excluding any liens or encumbrances already of record) per Revenue and Taxation Code §11911. In Fresno County, the only transfer tax imposed is the $0.55 per $500.00 on conveyances. All transfer taxes charged by incorporated cities are contained within the $0.55 rate. There are no State transfer fees or taxes imposed on mortgages. There are no monument fees in Fresno County.
The transfer tax is collected at the time of recording on each deed or instrument that conveys an interest in real property. A Documentary Transfer Tax Declaration must be completed and signed for all deeds and instruments that convey an interest in real property. If no Documentary Transfer Tax is due, it must be indicated in the statement by entering "0" on the tax line and the declaration must be signed. The reason why no tax is due needs to be explained on the document or on a separate statement (R&T §11932).
State law prohibits us from providing assistance or advice in the preparation of legal documents.
Re-Recording Requirements
Effective January 1, 2017, pursuant to Assembly Bill 1974, Each instrument, paper, or notice that is re-recorded shall be executed and acknowledged or verified as a new document, in addition to any previous execution and acknowledgment or verification, unless any of the following apply:
The instrument, paper, or notice is otherwise exempted by Section 27287 or any other law.
The instrument, paper, or notice is presented solely to correct a recording sequence.
The instrument, paper, or notice is presented solely to make a minor correction with a corrective affidavit. The corrective affidavit shall satisfy all of the following:
“Minor correction” includes any of the following:
Incorrect or missing address of the party to which the instrument, paper, or notice is to be returned following recording pursuant to Section 27361.6
Clarification of illegible text pursuant to Section 27361.7
Incorrect or missing printed or typed name of an individual or entity near the signature pursuant to Section 27280.5
Incorrect or missing documentary transfer tax amount due pursuant to Section 11932 of the Revenue and Taxation Code.
Each re-recorded instrument, paper, or notice shall include a cover sheet that complies with Section 27361.6 and shall state the reason for rerecording on the cover sheet.
This requirement has been made in accordance with the legislative amendment of Government Code section 27201.
State law prohibits us from providing assistance or advice in the preparation of legal documents.
Online Indexes
Our self-service page contains a searchable index for documents recorded on or after January 1, 1981. Information such as grantor and grantee names, date recorded, document number, and document type can all be used to find documents.
Indexes for documents recorded prior to January 1, 1981 can be found on the Fresno Grantor Grantee Index 1856-1980 page. These are scanned images of the original paper books and do not currently have any search options.
Grantee 1914-1971, Grantor 1914-1971, and Grantor-Grantee 1972–1980 Indexes
Step 1: Select the index to start your search
Step 2: Select the year range to search
Step 3: Select the letter or letters of name you are searching
Step 4: Continue through index to locate the name you are searching
Index to Deeds 1856-1913
Step 1: Select the year range to search
Step 2: Select the Grantor or Grantee
Step 3: Continue through index to locate the name you are searching
Patents Index
Step 1: Select a book
Step 2: Continue through index to locate the name you are searching
Fresno County Recorder
1250 Van Ness Ave, Fresno, CA 93721
Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday-Friday
Phone: (559) 600-3476