Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility

The new HHW Facility in Fresno is now open!
Environmental Compliance Center
1327 West Dan Ronquillo Drive, Fresno, CA 93706
(Corner of West Avenue and Dan Ronquillo Drive)
Hours of Operation (HHW accepted from the public):
Residential HHW: (Free/No Cost) - Fridays and Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. No appointment needed.
Limited to household items and small quantities (15 gallons or 125 pounds - about what fits in the trunk of the average car). Call (559) 600-4259 for information/regulations that apply to larger loads or unusual items.
Business Hazardous Wastes: Pay for cost of disposal (Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG). Appointment Required. Call (877) 235-3005 toll-free, for appointment and free cost estimate.
The Fresno County Regional Household Hazardous Waste Facility is located at:
HHW Network Sites
Here you can find locations throughout the County of Fresno and the 15 cities for locations to drop off your HHW. Please remember to call the locations to make sure that the material is accepted prior to drop off.
The HHW is in 4 categories:

Many Hardware and Paint Store are part of our HHW Network are also a part of the PaintCare system that collects and properly disposes of old paint.
Homebound Residents: For residents who are homebound, or for those with other special circumstances preventing drop-off at the HHW Facility during normal operational hours, please call (559) 600-4259 to see if accommodations can be arranged.
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
What is Household Hazardous Waste?
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) is any product that is labeled as harmful, toxic, poisonous, combustible, corrosive, flammable or irritant. A typical home can contain an array of household hazardous products for cleaning, painting, beautifying, lubricating and disinfecting the house, yard, workshop and garage. These items should not be placed in the regular trash can and need to be disposed of in a safe environment. The best indication if a product contains HHW is a diamond shaped image with four colored diamonds (red, yellow, blue, and white) found on the side of the hazardous products.
HHW that is commonly found include:

Gasoline / Diesel/ Kerosene
(please note that fuel containers must be
left at the HHW Facility)
Batteries |
Transmission fluid |

Brake Fluid |

Nail Polish |

Spot Remover |
Mercury Thermometers |

Thermostats |

Propane Tanks |

Toxic or Caustic
Household Cleaners |

Oven Cleaners |

Pool Chemicals |

Pesticides |

Herbicides |

Fertilizer |

Wood Preservatives |

Paint, Stain or Varnish |

Paint Stripper |
Tar |

Fluorescent Bulbs
(Compact or Tubes) |
Reuse Center
The Fresno County Regional HHW Facility also has a Reuse Center available to all Fresno County residents. The County and its Contractor, Clean Earth, Inc. have undertaken a program of recycling household chemical products selected from items collected at the County's Regional, Permanent HHW Management Facility (HHW Facility). Items brought to the HHW Facility are screened and those that appear to meet program criteria are transferred to the Reuse Center. County residents are encouraged to take items from the Reuse Center and use them for the purposes they were originally intended. Everyone saves! County residents are not charged for the recycled items and the HHW Facility avoids costly handling and disposal fees associated with more traditional management options.
- Fresno County reserves the right to refuse service to any participant for any reason.
- Participant must have a valid California Driver's License, Military I.D. or other form of I.D. for each visit.
- Participant must provide proof that he/she lives in one of the cities or an unincorporated area of Fresno County (e.g., Utility bill, driver's license).
- Shoes (with closed toes) and shirts must be worn when visiting the Reuse Center.
- Children and pets are not allowed in the Reuse Center area and must remain in your vehicle, with care taken to insure their safety in hot weather.
- Please do not open to sniff, test spray, or shake any of the items. We check the quality of all items before they go on the shelves. Also, don't ask to consolidate any items; it's against County policy to do so!
- Fresno County reserves the right to limit the total amount of HHW taken from the Reuse Center to 10 containers/items per household in a 30-day period.
Before placing items on shelves of the Reuse Center for distribution to residents of Fresno County, program staff shall carefully inspect each item to determine that:
- All materials are in their original containers
- Materials are free of contaminants
- Containers are clean and free of leaks
- Original labels are intact and legible
- Shelves will remain clean and dry
- No banned or restricted chemicals including lead based paint will be shelved
- No personal cosmetics shall be shelved
- No open auto engine or radiator products shall be shelved
On the Liability Waiver (provided on site) and General Release Form please:
- Identify, weigh and then record each item to be taken from the Reuse Center.
- Calculate and then record the total weight of all items to be taken from the Reuse Center.
- Sign the Liability Waiver and hand it over to the Attendant.
- After confirming the Waiver Form is complete and accurate, the Attendant will provide you with a copy of the signed Waiver for your records. You may then return to your vehicle with the items you have selected.
HHW Info for Bulbs, Batteries, Paint, Sharps E-Waste & Medication
Fluorescent lights(PDF, 342KB): Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) or Fluorescent Tubes contain mercury, which is a hazardous chemical. It is illegal to place these, compact fluorescent lamps/bulbs, tubes, or high intensity light bulbs into a landfill.
Batteries:(PDF, 342KB) Both single-use and rechargeable batteries are considered hazardous waste. It is illegal to place any battery into a landfill (or your trash) in California.
Sharps, needles and lancets:(PDF, 264KB) Primarily used at home by individuals that have a prescription that requires injections such as diabetes or epinephrine (Epi) Pens. MUST be in a rigid container (like laundry soap or bleach bottle or coffee can), with lid on and taped shut. It is illegal to place sharps into a landfill (or your trash) in California.
Paint:(PDF, 342KB) If your paint is completely dry and hardened, you may dispose of this in the regular trash can outside your home. You may also drop this off at a PaintCare center near you.
Electronic Waste (E-Waste):(PDF, 100KB) cathode ray tubes (e.g., computer monitors, television sets), laptop computers, game boxes and other devices with a screen, including LCD and plasma. Please contact the County at (559) 600-4259 for a current list of businesses and charities that accept and recycle E-waste for free.For more information about the permannet HHW facility or ideas on managing HHW, call (559) 600-4259 or email . Information is also available about low-cost HHW disposal programs for small businesses and ag-related hazardous waste.
Medication Drop-Off Locations(PDF, 4MB) and The Lock It Up Project .
Special Programs and Disposal
For all other items not referenced here, please see our Special Programs page.
Specific Information for Asbestos
Asbestos: The American Avenue Disposal Site accepts non-friable asbestos. To learn the difference between friable vs. non-friable and disposal of non-friable asbestos review the information below.
For more information about the HHW facility or ideas on managing HHW call (559) 600-4259 or email