Right-to-Farm Notice

Right-to-Farm Notice

If a subdivision is at any point within three hundred feet of an AE (Exclusive Agriculture), AL (Limited Agriculture), TPZ (Timberland Preserve) or RC (Resource Conservation) Zone District, the approval of the tentative and final subdivision map shall be conditional upon the recordation with the Fresno County recorder of a notice in substantially the following form:


It is the declared policy of Fresno County to preserve, protect, and encourage development of its agricultural land and industries for the production of food and other agricultural products. Residents of property in or near agricultural districts should be prepared to accept the inconveniences and discomfort associated with normal farm activities. Consistent with this policy, California Civil Code 3482.5 (right-to-farm law) provides that an agricultural pursuit, as defined, maintained for commercial uses shall not be or become a nuisance due to a changed condition in a locality after such agricultural pursuit has been in operation for three years.

(Ord. 87-010, § 1, 1987)

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