Herndon-Barstow Elementary HAWK System
The project will relocate the existing crosswalk, install a High Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) system, and necessary signage and striping on Grantland Ave near Herndon-Barstow Elementary School between Bullard Ave and Tenaya Ave. The crosswalk will be moved 50 feet south of the existing location to improve visibility and safety of the crosswalk, which meets the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) standards for installation of a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon. The project will also include widening a section of the road to support the crosswalk striping and building a new ADA compliant, bulbed curb ramp and new sidewalk with curb & gutter, which would be aligned with and connecting to the existing sidewalk at the south end of the school. Right of way acquisition is necessary to accommodate the improvements on the west side of the crosswalk. An existing flashing beacon located approximately 375 feet to the north of the existing crosswalk will be removed. Utility poles and a fire hydrant will be relocated.
The project is currently in the design phase and is expected to cost approximately $800,000.
Herndon-Barstow Elementary Presentation(PDF, 1MB)