American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Projects

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is a federal stimulus plan approved by the Congress of the United States and President Biden that provides $350 billion of stimulus funding to State and Local Governments out of the $1.9 trillion-dollar bill.

Fresno County received approximately $194 million of the stimulus funding in ARPA through the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLRF). Learn more about the ARPA.

Learn more about how Fresno County is using ARPA funding.

The ARPA projects below are being administered through the Department of Public Works and Planning (PWP):

Improvements to Fresno County Parks, PWP Program 1

(Avocado Lake Park, Courthouse Park, Lost Lake Park, Skaggs Bridge Park, Winton Park)

Improvements to El Porvenir Park (CSA 30), PWP Program 2

Improvements to Tenaya Park (CSA 2), PWP Program 3

Improvements to Raisin City Park (CSA 43), PWP Program 4

Improvements to Kearney Park, PWP Program 12


Liberty Cemetery 

Elkhorn Facility - Water and Sewer Projects - DWSRF/CWSRF, PWP Program 6

Elkhorn Recharge Facility - DWSRF, PWP Program 7[VE1] 

Turnout on the Friant-Kern Canal at Big Dry Creek - DWSRF, PWP Program 8[VE1]

Raisin City (CSA 43W) - Engineering Design of Water Well - DWSRF, PWP No. 9

Installation of new water meters to various CSAs and WWDs, PWP Program 10

River View Subdivision (CSA No. 44C) - Water Distribution System Improvements Program 11