20-J-06 20-J-07 20-J-08 Request for Clarification Responses

The following list is comprised of paraphrased Requests for Clarification (RFC) submitted by potential bidders or sub-bidders in writing via email, letter, and this form:

20-J-06 20-J-07 20-J-08 Request for Clarification Form

These paraphrased questions and associated responses are not part of the contract documents and shall have no bearing whatsoever on the interpretation of the Standard Specifications, the Standard Plans, the Special Provisions, or the Plans. Nor shall they have any bearing whatsoever on the interpretation of other publications referenced therein.

Questions without answers may be posted here to indicate that we have received them before the deadline and we intend to respond. 

Last updated: 4/21/21 2:25 PM

Will Builder's Risk Insurance required on the JOC projects? Typically this is priced based on the building type. Without knowing what the exact building or type of work will be performed this cannot be accurately priced. Please advise if this is required. (RFC 26269 submitted 4/16/2021)

See Specifications 00 72 00 General Conditions, 2.40 Insurance, E. Other Insurance Provisions, 1. Fire Insurance/ Builders Risk Insurance Response date: 04/21/2021