Solid Waste Local Enforcement Agency (LEA)

Phone: (559) 600-3271 Fax: (559) 455-4646 

The purpose of the Fresno County Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) is to protect the health, safety and well-being of the public and to preserve and improve the quality of the environment by assuring proper storage and disposal of solid waste; to minimize the presence of vectors related to solid waste handling and disposal methods; and to respond to public complaints relating to the accumulation, storage, collection, processing and disposal of solid waste in Fresno County.

Program Directory


The authority to act as the LEA was given to the Fresno County Department of Public Health (FCDPH), Environmental Health Division by the Fresno County Board of Supervisors in the form of an official designation on March 3, 1992. In addition to this designation and pursuant to the Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 43203 (a) and California Code of Regulation (CCR), Section 18051.


The LEA issues Solid Waste Facility Permits (SWFPs). The permits specify the terms and conditions for operating a solid waste facility in Fresno County. All permits are subject to review every five years unless a facility has undergone a significant change that would require a revision of the permit to reflect the current state of operations. Solid Waste Facility Permits are currently required for Solid Waste Landfills, Material Recovery Facilities / Transfer Stations, Composting Facilities and Transformation Facilities. To find out what is needed to obtain a solid waste facilities permit please contact our Department at (559) 600-3271 or visit the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) Permits are also required for hauling both solid and liquid waste and can obtained by calling the same number listed above.

Investigating Complaints

Complaint investigations take a large percentage of our time and can range from the simplest complaint of a neighbor not having his garbage picked up to a larger problem of an illegal disposal site that can run thousands of dollars in site assessment and clean-up cost. LEA Staff investigations are usually generated by the general public contacting our office or through other regulatory agencies that come upon an illegal site during their day to day activities.

Complaints related to solid waste disposal can be phoned into our Department by contacting a Solid Waste Staff member at (559) 600-3271. We do ask that you give your name, address and phone number so that the inspector that is assigned the complaint can contact you for further information regarding the complaint or to get back to you on the results of our investigation.

Solid waste complaints within the City of Fresno should be directed to the City's One Call Center at (559) 621-CITY (2489) or by visiting the FresGO app.

Public Education and Training

LEA Staff provide public education by attending home and garden shows to distribute information and answer questions regarding solid waste management in Fresno County.

LEA Staff receive training and certification from private, State and Federal agencies throughout the year to keep conversant with changes in the Regulations and maintain their certification as the designated Local Enforcement Agency for solid waste issues in Fresno County.

Public Notices and Hearings

At this time there are no public notices or hearings. 

Waste Tires

“Waste tire” means a tire that is not on the wheel of a vehicle and is no longer suitable for its intended use due to wear, damage, defect, or deviation from the manufacture's specifications, including, but not limited to, all used tires, altered waste tires, recappable casings, and scrap tires. "Waste tire" includes tires that have been altered by processes, but not limited to, shredding, chopping, and slicing.

Currently, the California Department of Resources and Recovery (CalRecycle) is the lead agency for the permitting of waste tire facilities and waste tire haulers.

  • Waste Tire Facilities: Any person who stores or stockpiles more than 500 waste tires may be required to acquire a major or minor waste tire facility permit and comply with technical standards for the safe storage of waste tires unless they qualify to be excluded or exempt from the permitting requirements.  For more information, visit the CalRecycle website.

  • Waste Tire Haulers: Public Resources Code § 42954 requires a hauler exemption for all persons who transport 10 or more waste tires for disposal at an approved disposal site during a Waste Tire Amnesty Event or through a one-day hauler exemption. Hauler exemptions are issued by the Department of Public Health, Environmental Health Division – Solid Waste Program (“Local Enforcement Agency” or LEA) to Fresno County residents residing in the unincorporated areas of the County. The hauler must maintain a copy of the approved hauler exemption in the vehicle hauling the waste tires. To request a hauler exemption, please complete and submit the Waste Tire Hauling Exemption Request(PDF, 127KB) for approval. Please allow 3 business days for the LEA to process the exemption request.

For more information, contact the LEA at (559) 600-3357 or


Septic and Grease Pumpers

Fresno County Septic and Grease Pumpers program registers, permits, and regulates the activities of septic pumping and grease pumping. California Health and Safety Code, Section 117400 et seq., those who engage in the business of sewage pumping, cleaning of septic tanks, chemical toilets, cesspools or sewage seepage pits or to dispose of the cleaning, must register their business with the local Health Officer of that city, town, or county in which is desires to conduct this activity. All individuals and businesses conducting septic and grease pumping must hold a valid permit from our Department.

To obtain more information of our permit process, please contact our Department at (559) 600-3271.

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