Rabies and Animal Control Program


Animal Bite Reports May Now Be Completed And Submitted Electronically!

Our new electronic process for reporting animal bites has gone paperless. Complete the Animal Bite Report here. When you click submit, the form will automatically be submitted for processing. If you need assistance completing this form contact our office at (559) 600-3357.

Visit the New Animal Shelter at Fresno Humane Animal Services

Fresno County Animal Shelter Over Capacity - Modified Intakes


Refugio de Animales del Condado de Fresno Sobre Capacidad - Entradas Modificadas


The Fresno County Animal Shelter Needs Your Help!


¡El Refugio de Animales del Condado de Fresno Necesita su Ayuda!


 Public Health Director David Luchini and Supervising Environmental Health Specialist Amy Dobrinin talk about the new shelter in the video below:




Rabies and Animal Control Program Information

The Rabies and Animal Control Program of the Environmental Health Division is located on the third floor of the Public Health Department in the Mercer Building on Fulton Street in downtown Fresno.

The Environmental Health Staff is responsible for dog licensing and responds and investigates multiple litter, animal bite reports, and animal waste complaints.

Public Health Notice


Rules for Dog Owners in Fresno County

This flyer summarizes the requirements for dog licensing: Rules for Dog Owners(PDF, 267KB)


On this page you will find information on these items:

Forms and Applications 

Dog License Information 

  • The Dog License Decision Tree(PDF, 59KB) has been created to help determine what is required for dogs.
  • Dog License and Rabies Shot (Vaccination)
  • How to get a License for your Dog:
  • Dog license application forms can be found at many locations.

Dog Breeding and Ownership Changes

  • Dog Breeding and Puppies
  • When Owners exchange a dog

Dog Kennel License Requirements


On June 9th, 2020 the Fresno County Board of Supervisors approved the amendment of Fresno County Ordinance Code, Title 9, Section 9.04.050 – Kennel License. This ordinance was amended to require a kennel license in lieu of individual licensing of four or more dogs kept for breeding, boarding, training, or other commercial purposes.

The revised Fresno County Ordinance Code, Title 9, Section 9.04.050 went into effect on June 23, 2020 and is cited below.

9.04.050 - Kennel license.

Every person owning or operating a kennel or place where four or more dogs are kept for breeding, boarding, training or other commercial purposes must obtain a kennel license for all dogs regularly kept therein. It is unlawful for such a person to fail to procure said license. The fee therefor shall be set forth in the county of Fresno Master Schedule of Fees, Charges and Costs Recovery and shall be due, payable, delinquent, and penalized in the same manner as is hereinabove provided for individual dog licenses. Before any kennel license is issued, a permit therefor shall be obtained from the local health officer. All kennels shall be so constructed as to prevent dogs confined therein from running at large or leaving the premises where the kennel is maintained. It shall be operated and constructed in a sanitary and proper manner so that the same will not become a nuisance to the neighborhood thereof. The operation of all kennels licensed pursuant to provisions of this section shall be subject to reasonable regulations of the local health officers.

(Ord. No. 20-011, § 1, 6-23-2020; Ord. No. 17-022, § 1, 11-14-2017; Ord. 91-001, § 3; Ord. 89-006, § 10; prior code, § 402.2)

Kennel Licensing Information and Requirements

If you have questions regarding dog kennel licensing please contact Fresno Humane Animal Services at (559) 600-7387.

Other Provisions of the New Law

  • No dogs or cats given away as prizes.
  • No dogs or cats given away as an inducement to enter any establishment.
  • No dogs or cats given away in any public place not owned by him or at any swap meet.
  • No transferring any dogs or cats to minors without a parent or legal guardian's written permission

Fresno County Leash Law

All dogs must be on a leash in Fresno County - or under the immediate control of a responsible person - if they are off the owner's property. To report a loose dog, call:

Fresno Humane Animal Services
1510 West Dan Ronquillo Dr.
Fresno, CA 93706
559-600-7387 (600-PETS)

Spay/Neuter Clinics

Call Fresno Humane Animal Services at (559)600-7387 or Environmental Health at (559)600-3357 for Low Cost Spay & Neuter Clinic Information.

Low-Cost Rabies Vaccination Clinics

The Environmental Health Division collaborates with local veterinarians every summer to schedule low cost rabies vaccination clinics. The clinics are scheduled for locations throughout the county for access by the public, and dog licenses are available at selected clinics.

  • Vaccination Fee: $10.00 each
  • Fresno County Dog License Fee: $39.00 each (not spayed/neutered)
  • Fresno County Dog License Fee: $4.00 each (spayed/neutered)
  • 50 cents for replacement dog tags.

Upcoming Clinics:

None scheduled at this time.

The Fresno County Public Health Laboratory assists in animal bite investigations by testing submitted animals for rabies.

Medical Treatment to Prevent Rabies Following Animal Bites 

Following an animal bite, the victim should seek care from their medical provider immediately.

You and your health care provider must report the animal bite to the Department of Public Health, Environmental Health Division, Animal Rabies Control Program by calling 559-600-3357 or by using our new electronic process for reporting. The health care provider will determine whether or not treatment to prevent rabies is needed.

The Department of Public Health will also provide additional information to help the health care provider make an informed decision regarding treatment to prevent rabies. Please call 559-600-3332 - Communicable Disease or (559) 600-3413 - Chest Clinic.

Other Rabies Information

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636)

California Department of Health Services
Division of Communicable Disease Control
Veterinary Public Health Section
P.O. Box 997377, MS 7308
Sacramento CA 95899-7308
(916) 552-9740 / FAX (916) 552-9725

Our Location: 1221 Fulton Street, 3rd Floor
PO Box 11867, Fresno CA 93775-1867
Phone: (559) 600-3357 Fax: (559) 455-4646 
Email: EnvironmentalHealth@fresnocountyca.gov

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
(Closed 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)