Hazmat Compliance Information and FAQs

How do I dispose of my hazardous waste if I'm a Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG)?

For businesses looking to quickly and conveniently dispose of their hazardous waste, you are able to dispose of these items safely and legally at the Fresno County Regional Household Hazardous Waste Facility (HHW Facility).

Your business will only pay for the cost of disposal at our Fresno County HHW Facility. For a quote and to sign up, call (877) 235-3005 or email: FresnoHHWFacility@gmail.com


Can a facility that generates hazardous waste rarely, but routinely, use a temporary EPA ID Number? How should a facility that generates hazardous waste rarely, but routinely, answer the Business Activities question, “Does your facility generate Hazardous Waste?”

Refer to this document(PDF, 132KB) for questions related to sites that use a Temporary EPA ID or that rarely, but routinely, generate hazardous waste.


I'm not sure how to report on CERS. Is there any help available?

Help is available in multiple formats: our CERS Page, a video provided by San Diego County or you can call our CUPA Specialist of the Day and make an appointment with your assigned inspector - (559) 600-3271


What does an inspector do when he or she inspects my facility/business?

The inspector has many things to do when conducting an inspection. Primarily, he or she inspects the facility to determine if it complies with Federal, State and Local regulations. Sometimes an inspection is confined to a specific problem resulting from a complaint. Other times the inspection may be very comprehensive. All inspections are conducted with the intent to observe conditions which may contribute to exposure of a hazardous material or waste to the public or employees. All problems noted during the inspection are brought to the attention of the management and violations are required to be corrected typically within 30 days.


Where do I take my Household Hazardous Waste?

The Household Hazardous Waste Program is managed by the Fresno County Public Works Department. For more information on Household Hazardous Waste visit the Public Works and Planning Household Hazardous Waste Page or call the Resource Division at (559) 600-4259


Have a question that wasn't answered?

Send us an email: HazMatCUPA@fresnocountyca.gov 



State Water Resource Control Board

California Health & Safety Code

California CUPA Forum

California Department of Toxic Substances Control