HIV - AIDS Services


If you’ve tested positive for HIV, you’re not alone. We offer a variety of services and connect you to the care you need. Please feel free to contact us should you need additional information. All services are confidential.

We provide linkage to care – a process of assisting those newly diagnosed with HIV to enter into medical care. Here’s how we ensure HIV-positive people have access to treatment and support:

  • We connect a newly diagnosed HIV-positive person with a healthcare provider (such as a physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner)
  • The person receives medical care for their HIV infection within 90 days
  • Their initial visit is verified and care is ongoing

AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)

The ADAP provides medication assistance for the treatment of HIV or AIDS to individuals without insurance coverage or third party benefits for ADAP medications. The individual must meet financial eligibility requirements as established by the California Department of Public Health. For any questions or to schedule an appointment with an ADAP enrollment worker, please call 559-600-6404.

The following people are eligible:

  • HIV-positive or AIDS diagnosed persons who can’t afford medication
  • Individuals who have a share-of-cost through Medi-Cal
  • Those who have a co-payment for medications through private insurance (may also be eligible)
  • You must be a resident of the State of California
  • You are at least 18 years of age
  • You have an HIV diagnosis (ADAP will only process prescriptions written by a licensed California physician/prescriber)
  • You have limited or no prescription drug benefit from another source
  • You have a Federal Adjusted Gross Income of not more than $50,000 (To determine your Federal Adjusted Gross Income, refer to your income tax forms or visit

Staff members serve as enrollment workers to help clients apply for ADAP. Clients pick up their prescriptions at local pharmacies that are contracted with ADAP to provide the medications.

For more information on the California AIDS Drug Assistance Program, visit Ramsell Corp. (PMDC Systems)

Housing Opportunities For Persons With AIDS (HOPWA)

The Living Room in Fresno offers housing opportunities for those living with AIDS. To learn more about HOPWA assistance, please contact:

The Living Room logo

WestCare California The Living
Room Contact: Toni Harrison 901 E. Belmont
Fresno, CA 93701
Phone: (559) 486-1469 


  • Case management
  • Client advocacy
  • Hot meals
  • The Drop-In Center
  • Housing
  • Rapid testing for HIV and Hepatitis C
  • Social support groups


  • Fellowship
  • Information
  • Education
  • Referrals to those infected, affected and at risk for HIV/AIDS

Learn more about The Living Room:

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HIV Partner Services


Couple on couch with 3 dogs
HIV Partner Services is a free program that helps HIV positive people in notifying their sexual and/or needle sharing partners of possible exposure to HIV. HIV Partner Services are always voluntary, client-centered, and confidential for both the person living with HIV and their partner(s).

The HIV Partner Services Program provides three options for letting partners know they may have been exposed to HIV and/or STDs and provide linkages to testing and medical care.

  • Anonymous Third Party: Specially trained local health department staff notifies partners without disclosing any information about the original client.
  • Dual Disclosure: The original client wants to disclose to partners him- or herself with the support of trained HIV Partner Services staff. Trained staff can provide immediate linkage to services once the original client has told the partner of their exposure.
  • Self Disclosure: The original client notifies his or her partner(s), after working with trained HIV Partner Services staff to develop a disclosure plan.

For more information about Partner Services, call 559-600-6404.


Address: 1221 Fulton Street
Fresno, CA 93721

Tel: (559) 600-6404
Fax: (559) 600-7601

Hours: 8am - 5pm Monday through Friday except holidays.
(closed 12pm - 1pm)

Public Health Testing Clinic Info