Intern Hub

Fresno County internships provide students with exposure to careers in public service and opportunities to make a difference in their communities. Internship opportunities are available in fields such as administration, law enforcement, information technology, planning, engineering, social services, public health, behavioral health and many other areas. An internship with Fresno County gives you on-the-job training, real-life work experience, and career opportunities.
Whether you are a Student seeking an Internship, a County Department that would like to offer an Internship opportunity, or a College or University, Fresno County’s Internship Hub is your one stop for information.
The County welcomes partnerships with local colleges and universities to offer students valuable work experience directly related to the student's academic field of study.
The County values education and believes that students bring new ideas, energy, and skills to the workforce.
County departments utilizing interns are able to benefit from project assistance provide training opportunities for supervisors and managers and bring awareness to students of public service career opportunities in their field of interest.

For Schools
The County welcomes partnerships with local colleges and universities to offer students valuable work experience directly related to their academic studies. Learn more on the Intern Program Information for Schools page.

For Students
The County values education and believes that students bring new ideas, energy, and skills to the workforce. View current job opportunities for students on the Student Information & General Requirements page.

For County Departments
County departments utilizing interns are able to benefit from project assistance and provide training opportunities for supervisors and managers. Learn more on the Intern Program Information for County Departments page.