Filing deadlines in non-election years include a semi-annual and quarterly reporting period. Filing deadlines in election years include the above, a 90-day 24-hour reporting period and two pre-election reporting periods for each election.
Local candidates and committees - file with the Fresno County Clerk’s Office
Fresno County Campaign Ordinance Title 2, Chapter 2.62 requires elected officers, candidates, committees and controlled committees who have received contributions or make expenditures of $5,000 or more, to electronically file campaign statements using the Registrar of Voter’s online filing system. Contact Fresno County Election’s Filing Officer at (559) 600-3044 for additional information.
City Candidates and Committees - file with your City Clerk
State Candidates and Committees - file with the Secretary of State
Federal Candidates and Committees – file with the Federal Elections Commission
To obtain a filing schedule, visit