Campaign Information

Disclosure Forms

The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) provides Campaign Disclosure Manuals for candidates and committees.  We strongly recommend you review these manuals and contact FPPC with any questions you may have regarding the schedule and filing forms.

Candidate Intention Statement Form 501(PDF, 346KB)

Form 501 allows a candidate to announce his/her intention to run for a particular office. File Form 501 before you solicit or receive any contributions or make expenditures from personal funds on behalf of your candidacy.


State of Organization Form 410(PDF, 537KB)

Form 410 must be filed within 10 days of receiving $2,000 or more in contributions, including money spent from personal funds by a candidate.  The original form must be filed with the Secretary of State, Political Reform Division.  Include a $50 payment made payable to the Secretary of State.  File a copy with your local filing officer.  Upon filing with the Secretary of State, you will receive a campaign committee number.

Officeholder and Candidate Campaign Statement Short Form 470

Form 470 is filed by officeholders and candidates who do not have a controlled committee, do not receive contributions totaling $2,000 or more during the calendar year, and do not plan on spending $2,000 or more during the calendar year.


Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Form 460

Form 460 is filed by recipient committees to report their expenditures and contributions.  This form can be used to file a pre-election statement, semi-annual statement, quarterly statement, termination statement, special odd-year report, or an amendment to a previously filed statement.

To access all FPPC Forms, please visit the FPPC Webpage


Finance & Reporting Requirements

The Political Reform Act of 1974 is the state law governing campaign finances and spending, lobbying, conflicts of interest, gift limits, and post-government employment restrictions. This Act requires all candidates for elective office, all elected officeholders, and all committees supporting or opposing candidates or measures to file campaign disclosure statements listing all the contributions received and expenditures made. The Political Reform Act of 1974 is administered and enforced by the California FPPC. If you have specific questions about the Political Reform Act, you should consult with the FPPC and your legal counsel.


This is a reminder that county elected officers, candidates for county offices, their controlled committees and committees formed or existing primarily to support or oppose candidates for county offices, must adhere to Fresno County Ordinance, Chapter 2.62, Section 2.62.035, when reporting monetary contributions of $25 or more.


For electronic filers, it is important for the monetary contribution minimum ($25) to be manually set once and saved in eCampaign. The instructions on how to set the Minimum Transaction Amount of $25 is in Help Guide #4, Section 2.3. 

For further assistance, please contact:

Chrystal Babcock, Filing Officer
(559) 600-3044


Contribution limits for county offices and the Board of Supervisors are set by the County Election Campaign Ordinance


SEI - Form 700

Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700)

Step 1.Candidates Statement

Candidates running for state or local office are required to file a Form 700 Candidate Statement no later than the final filing date for their nomination and declaration of candidacy.

Step 2.Annual Statement

Office holders who fall under their agency’s conflict of interest code are required to file a Form 700 Annual Statement with the agency of their elected position.

Step 3.Exception

The following county office holders, listed in Gov. Code Section 87200, who file an original Form 700 Annual Statement with their County Filing Official use FPPC’s E-Filing system and provide a copy with a wet signature to the County Clerk’s Office:

  • Members of the Board of Supervisors
  • Chief Administrative Officer
  • County Counsel
  • District Attorney
  • Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector

Visit to access a Form 700 and Form 700 Reference Pamphlet


Filing deadlines in non-election years include a semi-annual and quarterly reporting period.  Filing deadlines in election years include the above, a 90-day 24-hour reporting period and two pre-election reporting periods for each election.

Local candidates and committees - file with the Fresno County Clerk’s Office

Fresno County Campaign Ordinance Title 2, Chapter 2.62 requires elected officers, candidates, committees and controlled committees who have received contributions or make expenditures of $5,000 or more, to electronically file campaign statements using the Registrar of Voter’s online filing system.  Contact Fresno County Election’s Filing Officer at (559) 600-3044 for additional information.

City Candidates and Committees - file with your City Clerk

State Candidates and Committees - file with the Secretary of State

Federal Candidates and Committees – file with the Federal Elections Commission

To obtain a filing schedule, visit


Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC)
Advice line: (866) 275-3772
Email your questions to FPPC: 

Secretary of State Political Reform Division
Main phone number: (916) 653-6224

Federal Elections Commission
Toll free number (800) 424-9530

Fresno County Clerk/Registrar of Voters
Main phone number: (559) 600-8683
FPPC Filing Officer: (559) 600-3044