Board Priorities and Guiding Principles

Board Priorities:

"Do It Right The First Time"

  • Short-term projects with long-term impacts
  • Focus on County assets (own vs. lease)
  • Improve Efficiency/Longevity
  • Technology (data sharing, business intelligence)
  • Facility Improvements
  • Infrastructure Improvements (shovel-ready projects)

Guiding Principles:

In recognition of this unprecedented amount of stimulus and the resulting opportunity to invest and provide ongoing benefits, the Board of Supervisors created an Ad-Hoc Committee of Chairman Brandau and Supervisor Magsig to work with the CAO's office and Department Heads to develop principles and plan for the expenditures of the funds. These principles are described below and will guide future funding decisions by the Board on the use of the American Rescue Funds.

Principles for use of Funding:

  • One-Time Funding – there is no expectation that these funds will recur in the future and they shall be treated as one time rather than to fund on-going commitments.
  • Nexus to Pandemic and Recovery – to comply with the restrictions on funding, a nexus to the pandemic should be clearly demonstrated. That may be:
    • Pre-existing gaps – Circumstances that existed prior to the pandemic but the impacts or negative outcomes are exacerbated by the pandemic.
    • Direct Impacts – Things that are necessary to respond to the present and immediate impacts associated with the pandemic. This may be characterized as disaster response.
    • Recovery – Items that improve or accelerate the recovery from COVID-19 for the County and its citizens or better prepare the County against future disasters.
  • Needs Based/Data Informed – project or programs funding requests should contain a demonstrated need and available data must be provided to properly align the funding with the need.

  • Maximize Opportunity –The County should partner to the extent possible (with Cities, State, or other agencies) to create or support broader regional programs to stretch the impact of County funding.

  • Avoid Duplication – Significant disaster funding has been approved at the State and Federal Level. The County should not duplicate funding unless the need shows current funding is inadequate to meet that need.

  • Prioritize Transformational Projects – The County should prioritize projects or programs that may be transformational in solving challenges or improving its ability to serve constituents.