Final Rule Information

On May 6, 2016, the Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Managed Care Final Rule was published. The new federal regulations modernize the rules governing the Medicaid (Medi-Cal) program and are set to be implemented over the next several years.
The Fresno County Mental Health Plan is subject to the new Medicaid managed care regulations in 42 CFR Part 438, which affect the Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) operations, DBH-operated providers and providers contracted with DBH to provide services to Medi-Cal beneficiaries.
This page has been established as a resource for all interested parties to learn more about the Final Rule. There are multiple reference documents available that have been provided by the state Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and the California Behavioral Health Directors Association (CBHDA) regarding the Final Rule.
Useful Links
Code of Federal Regulations Title 42, Section 438 (Final Rule Regulations)
Title 9, California Code of Regulations, Chapter 11, Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health Services
CBHDA Final Rule Resource Page
CBHDA Handouts
California Welfare and Institutions Code (Commencing with 14700 et seq.)
California State Plan