Notifications & Associated Documents
Contractors will be able to view notifications from the department regarding different items such as: training opportunities, new behavioral health information notices from the Department of Healthcare Services (DHCS), letters from the department that provide direction and guidance to the network regarding programming and fiscal related matters, and other announcements as applicable.
This location would also contain documents and images from the department that would accompany notifications as applicable (i.e. letters, exhibits, templates, flyers, etc.).
Documents and Notifications
Announcements (All Contractors MH & SUD)
AB-2242-Model-Care-Coordination-Plan-FINAL.pdf(PDF, 818KB)
CB-038-Model-Care-Coordination-Plan-MCCP.pdf(PDF, 265KB)
Dear Valued Partners,
Please be advised that our provider page Become a Provider - County of Fresno has been updated with our new credentialing applications. Please use the link above to navigate to that page to see new applications. If you have questions regarding this message, please submit the inquiry to the following email box:
SMHS-Billing-Manual-May-2024.pdf(PDF, 672KB)
DMC-ODS-Billing-Manual-v-2-0.pdf(PDF, 1MB)
MCP-Referrals.docx(DOCX, 28MB)
Fiscal-Year-2024-2025-12162024-Procedure-Code-Update-DHCS-to-Cease-Reimbursement-for-CPT-99441-99443-Procedure-Code-107-Prescriber-Telephone-EM-OP.pdf(PDF, 87KB)
Training-Opportunity-by-CalMHSA.pdf(PDF, 82KB)
Important-Information-for-File-Upload-Entities.pdf(PDF, 27KB)
Compliance-Bulletin-No-035-Clinical-Candidates.pdf(PDF, 218KB)
Updated-NOABD-Training-2025_1.pptx(PPTX, 10MB)
Mental Health Contractors
Substance Use Disorder Contractors