Mental Health Services Act



New announcements:

Per Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC), Section 5899(c), counties must submit a completed Annual Revenue Expenditure Report (ARER) toDHCS by January 31st. The purpose of the ARER is to identify Mental Health Services Act fund expenditures, identify interest earned and unspent funds, and determine reversion amounts.

Fresno-County-23-24-DHCS_1822A-J_MHSA_Revenue-and-Expenditure-Report-R1.xlsx(XLSX, 197KB)


Join the Department of Behavioral Health to learn more about the 2024-2025 Mental Health Services Act Annual Update.


Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025 from
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM at the:
Health and Wellness Center, Rms. A&B
1925 E. Dakota Ave. Fresno, CA 93726

Interpretation will be available in Spanish & Hmong.

Click HERE for Spanish Flyer(PDF, 2MB)

Click HERE for Hmong Flyer(PDF, 2MB)

25_2_12_MHSA Annual Update YouTube.jpg


Date: Thursday, February 27, 2025 from
12:00 PM -1:00 PM
Livestream on DBH YouTube Channel and
Facebook page
Closed captions (English) available.

Link to view the Livestream on YouTube

Link to view the Livestream on Facebook



The Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health is putting forth a proposed Innovation Plan called The Lodge 2.0. The Plan seeks to use lessons learned from the initial Lodge Pilot, to now see how that model can be expanded to address needs for engagement of unhoused populations with co-occluding needs.

The-Lodge-2-INN-Plan_Final-Draft.pdf(PDF, 825KB)

The public can provide comment through March 16, 2025, via A public hearing is planned for March 19, 2025.



Proposition 1 Information Session

Parlier-Youth-Summit-Report_Final.pdf(PDF, 1021KB)

Huron-Youth-Summit-Report_Final.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

Multi-County-Psychiatric-Advanced-Directives-Phase-2.pdf(PDF, 247KB)


Proposition 1 was approved by the voters of California and the Department of Behavioral Health stands ready to work in partnership with the state and our local stakeholders to implement and comply with the new provisions. The propositions renames the Mental Health Services Act to the Behavioral Health Services Act and requires major changes to be phased in over the course of the new few years. We will have a planful process with our stakeholders to ensure that we maximize services to our communities here in Fresno County while also adhering to the new requirements.

Prop 1 Forum Graphic-01-01.jpg

DBH will be hosting an open community forum on April 29th starting at 2pm to review the major components of the proposition and provide general overview and next steps. We welcome you or a representative to attend and hope you find this valuable as a starting place for engagement in the BHSA implementation.  




Outcomes 2020-2021

Central-Star-CRT-FY21-22-Attachment-A2022.pdf(PDF, 1003KB)

Central-Star-CWMH-FY21-22-Attachment-A-FINAL.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

Central-Star-PHF-FY21-22-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 885KB)

Centro-La-Familia-Advocacy-Services-Outcomes-Template-Form-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 322KB)

CPI-Outcomes-Report-Attachment-A-FINAL.pdf(PDF, 278KB)

CSV.21-22.-Outcomes-Form-Attachment-A-RN-2022.09.29.pdf(PDF, 534KB)

CYS-FFT-Outcomes-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 293KB)

Dreamcatchers-Outcomes-Template-Form-Attachment-A-20-21-UPDATED.pdf(PDF, 283KB)

Exodus-Access-Line-FY2122-Att-A_FINAL.pdf(PDF, 463KB)

Exodus-Adult-CSC-Outcomes-Att-A_FINAL-Mt-review.pdf(PDF, 356KB)

Exodus-PHF-Outcomes-Effectiveness-Attachment-A_F.Torres_09.16.2022.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

Exodus-Youth-CSC-Outcomes-Report-Att-A_FINAL_MT-review.pdf(PDF, 463KB)

Kings-View-Blue-Sky-QI-Workplan-Annual_Outcomes-FY21-22.pdf(PDF, 296KB)

Kings-View-Blue-Sky-Wellness-Center-Outcomes-Attachment-A-FY-21-22.pdf(PDF, 413KB)

MHS-TURN-BHS-IMPACT-Outcomes-Report-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 211KB)

Pacific-Clinics-ACT-Outcomes-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 322KB)

Pacific-Clinics-EPU-CYS-BBFF-Outcomes-Effectiveness-Attachment-B.pdf(PDF, 173KB)

Pacific-Clinics-EPU-CYS-BBFF-Outcomes-Report-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 312KB)

Pacific-Clinics-formerly-Uplift-Fresno-Hope-Outcomes-Report-Attachment-A-FINAL.pdf(PDF, 582KB)

Pacific-Clinics-formerly-Uplift-Fresno-Hope-Outcomes-Report-Attachment-B-_2022.09.01_Final.pdf(PDF, 213KB)

RH-Community-Builders-Lodge-Outcomes-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 180KB)

Turning-Point-Dragonfly-Outcomes-report-FY-21-22-Attachment-A-FINAL.pdf(PDF, 732KB)

Turning-Point-RMH-Outcomes-Report-Attachment-A_F.Torres_09.16.2022.pdf(PDF, 721KB)

Turning-Point-Sunrise-FSP-Outcomes-Attachment-A_F.Torres_09.16.2022.pdf(PDF, 706KB)

Turning-Point-Vista-FSP-Outcomes-Attachment-A_F.Torres_09.16.2022.pdf(PDF, 728KB)

West-Care-21.22-Outcomes-Template-Form-Attachment-A-final.pdf(PDF, 241KB)

Westcare-SOS-FY-2020.2021-Outcome-Effectivenss-Attachment-B-Final.pdf(PDF, 113KB)

Westcare-SOS-FY-2020.2021-Outcome-Effectivenss-Attachment-B-Final_1.pdf(PDF, 113KB)

West-Care-SOS-FY-2021.2022-Outcome-Effectivenss-Attachment-B-Final.pdf(PDF, 113KB)

Westcare-SOS-FY-22-23-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 410KB)

Westside-FPSN-YEC-Outcomes-Report-2021-2-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

Westside-YEC-Outcomes-Report-2021-2-Attachment-A-RN-2022.09.22.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

Outcomes 2021-2022

Central-Star-CRT-FY21-22-Attachment-A2022.pdf(PDF, 1003KB)

Central-Star-CWMH-FY21-22-Attachment-A-FINAL.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

Central-Star-PHF-FY21-22-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 885KB)

Centro-La-Familia-Advocacy-Services-Outcomes-Template-Form-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 322KB)

CPI-Outcomes-Report-Attachment-A-FINAL.pdf(PDF, 278KB)

CSV.21-22.-Outcomes-Form-Attachment-A-RN-2022.09.29.pdf(PDF, 534KB)

CYS-FFT-Outcomes-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 293KB)

Dreamcatchers-Outcomes-Template-Form-Attachment-A-20-21-UPDATED.pdf(PDF, 283KB)

Exodus-Access-Line-FY2122-Att-A_FINAL.pdf(PDF, 463KB)

Exodus-Adult-CSC-Outcomes-Att-A_FINAL-Mt-review.pdf(PDF, 356KB)

Exodus-PHF-Outcomes-Effectiveness-Attachment-A_F.Torres_09.16.2022.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

Exodus-Youth-CSC-Outcomes-Report-Att-A_FINAL_MT-review.pdf(PDF, 463KB)

Kings-View-Blue-Sky-QI-Workplan-Annual_Outcomes-FY21-22.pdf(PDF, 296KB)

Kings-View-Blue-Sky-Wellness-Center-Outcomes-Attachment-A-FY-21-22.pdf(PDF, 413KB)

MHS-TURN-BHS-IMPACT-Outcomes-Report-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 211KB)

Pacific-Clinics-ACT-Outcomes-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 322KB)

Pacific-Clinics-EPU-CYS-BBFF-Outcomes-Effectiveness-Attachment-B.pdf(PDF, 173KB)

Pacific-Clinics-EPU-CYS-BBFF-Outcomes-Report-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 312KB)

Pacific-Clinics-formerly-Uplift-Fresno-Hope-Outcomes-Report-Attachment-A-FINAL.pdf(PDF, 582KB)

Pacific-Clinics-formerly-Uplift-Fresno-Hope-Outcomes-Report-Attachment-B-_2022.09.01_Final.pdf(PDF, 213KB)

RH-Community-Builders-Lodge-Outcomes-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 180KB)

Turning-Point-Dragonfly-Outcomes-report-FY-21-22-Attachment-A-FINAL.pdf(PDF, 732KB)

Turning-Point-RMH-Outcomes-Report-Attachment-A_F.Torres_09.16.2022.pdf(PDF, 721KB)

Turning-Point-Sunrise-FSP-Outcomes-Attachment-A_F.Torres_09.16.2022.pdf(PDF, 706KB)

Turning-Point-Vista-FSP-Outcomes-Attachment-A_F.Torres_09.16.2022.pdf(PDF, 728KB)

West-Care-21.22-Outcomes-Template-Form-Attachment-A-final.pdf(PDF, 241KB)

Westcare-SOS-FY-2020.2021-Outcome-Effectivenss-Attachment-B-Final.pdf(PDF, 113KB)

Westcare-SOS-FY-2020.2021-Outcome-Effectivenss-Attachment-B-Final_1.pdf(PDF, 113KB)

West-Care-SOS-FY-2021.2022-Outcome-Effectivenss-Attachment-B-Final.pdf(PDF, 113KB)

Westcare-SOS-FY-22-23-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 410KB)

Westside-FPSN-YEC-Outcomes-Report-2021-2-Attachment-A.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

Westside-YEC-Outcomes-Report-2021-2-Attachment-A-RN-2022.09.22.pdf(PDF, 1MB)


Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) 

The Mental Health Services Act was voter approved initiative in 2004 to fund efforts to close gaps in the behavioral health system and to transform the behavioral health system in California to be one focused on wellness, recovery and resilience.

The MHSA uses revenues from a 1% sales tax on millionaires to fund local programs driven by local needs. This page provides information on MHSA as well as Fresno County’s MHSA driven activities.


MHSA is comprised of five different components. Each of the components have their own focus, funding and sometimes reporting requirements and outcomes.

MHSA activities are driven by the MHSA Three Year Plan (and Annual Updates) which are formulated following a community planning process that uses meaningful stakeholder input. Below you will find information on each of the five components, short video for each, and any related plans, regulations, or resources.



Community Services and Supports (CSS)


CSS as it's known is one of the five components of MHSA. Its broken into three categories which include intensive outpatient services and whole person support through Full-Service Partnerships.

Systems Development, the second component can be range from out-patient programs, to systems support and resources development. The last component is Outreach and Engagement-which is focused on assisting persons with a serious mental illness into care.

Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI)

Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI), consistent of six strategies. Services in PEI are meant to prevent or reduce seven negative outcomes from an unaddressed mental health issue:

  1. school failure
  2. justice involvement
  3. loss of placement
  4. loss of employment
  5. housing/homelessness
  6. prolonged suffering
  7. suicide as a result of an untreated mental illness

PEI services focus on reducing disparities for unserved, underserved, and inappropriately served racial, ethnic, and cultural communities. Also, a majority of PEI funding has to be spent on services for children, youth and transition aged youth.

The six strategies for PEI are:

  1. Prevention
  2. Early Intervention-which are short term services up to 18 months, or up to four years if for the first episode or early on-set of a serious mental illness or emotional disturbance
  3. Outreach for Increasing Recognition of Early Signs of Mental Illness
  4. Access and Linkage
  5. Suicide Prevention
  6. Stigma and Discrimination Reduction

A county of Fresno’s size is required to have a program in each of the six strategies. Full list of all PEI programs can be found in the MHSA Three Year Plan and Annual Updates.  For details on PEI regulations and requirements click here.

Innovation (INN)


INN-MHSA’s Innovation (INN) component provides California the opportunity to develop and test new, unproven mental health models, to try adaptions of others, with the potential to become tomorrow’s best practices. 

The primary purpose of Innovation Projects is to provide learning. More information around Innovation can be found here.


Workforce Education and Training (WET)


WET- Workforce Education and Training (WET) component of MHSA is to develop a well-trained, informed and culturally diverse workforce to meet the growing needs of California. WET programs and services are used to educate and train new members of the workforce including peers.

To develop, improve and enhance the professional skills of the workforce, and to help develop the next generation of behavioral health workforce thought pathways, training, education, etc. For more information on WET services you can contact the WET Coordinator through our email.

Capital Facilities and Technology Needs (CFTN)


Capital Facilities and Technology Needs (CFTN) - a part of the MHSA that counties can contribute MHSA funds to, in order to address infrastructure needs of the system of care.

This may range from development of clinics, training centers, to development of electronic health records, data systems, software, etc. to improve service delivery.



Mental Health Services Act (MHSA)

For Information about the Mental Health Services Act use this think -->

MHSA Document Archive