Unclaimed Property Lookup



Unclaimed Property Lookup

Use the Unclaimed Property Lookup tool below to search for unclaimed checks that are considered outstanding for a period of six months or longer.

Please note that the checks on this list are showing as outstanding in our system, however, further research is required once a request has been made for the reissuance of any check. The reasons for the additional research are due to the way our system updates, when a check is reissued, and the required verification performed by staff.

Please contact General Accounting before you submit a request, as the process requires you to complete specific forms. They can be reached by phone at (559) 600-3609 or by email at ACTTC-GeneralAccounting@fresnocountyca.gov.

For additional information beyond what has been provided on this webpage, please submit a request using the County of Fresno Public Request Portal


From:       To:
(the above Date Range fields are mandatory)
Check Number Name Amount Date