Mapping Division
Assessor’s Office will be closed December 25, 2024, through January 1, 2025. We will reopen on January 2, 2025.
Real property is assigned a unique identification number called an Assessor Parcel Number (APN). The APN is used by the Assessor-Recorder, other County offices, and other businesses. The Assessed Value Lookup page will give you the APN if you only have an address. Understanding Parcel Numbers(PDF, 3MB) explains how parcel numbers are organized and how to find the correct map when you do not have an address. View Parcel Maps with your APN.
Sometimes parcels and their APN change. Typical reasons for parcel and APN changes include combination with other parcels, division into smaller parcels, surveys, or re-numbering parcels to alleviate "overcrowding" on a map page or map book.
Property line and fence disputes cannot be resolved by the Assessor
This office does not do field work such as surveying property lines or creating Records of Survey. Data on the maps comes from recorded documents such as plat maps, subdivision maps, deeds, and other documents. They are available through the Recorders Office.
GIS Information
Go to the Fresno County GIS Portal for shapefiles maintained by the Public Works and Planning Department.